
Notice how I said by most private accounts. His inner circle claimed he, at the very least, hated Christianity and made countless disparaging remarks about it. He used the religious language to relate to the the people. But he would've used whatever language he wanted to win the populace.

In before shallow views of religion. Oh wait. No. I'm not...

How would you prove the fraud, however? It was a random drawing. If I sold you a fake item or never gave you one, it's clear. But if I sold you the chance to win something and you didn't, how do you prove there was fraud? As far as you know, you got a fair chance. Unless someone's there to verify, it would be hard to

For those that think such a law is crazy, I am running a raffle for a new XBox 360. Tickets are only $5 (but of course there's no limit). I'll "randomly" draw a name (and you'll have to trust me that it's random, since I don't need any license or authorization and it's going to be hard to prove it's not) and that

I was incredibly confused why they kept laying down and hopping. Then it all made sense.

My local Best Buy's Vita section looked like a desolate wasteland on Wednesday (EDIT: By which I mean it was picked clean), but I haven't checked anywhere else so I can't confirm this. The 3DS was the same way though. I saw piles of them in stores right after launch here. I think handhelds just don't succumb to launch

Sure. Stop buying products made by companies who use shady manufacturing process and let them know why.

I imagine a lot of the people are playing games on tech assembled by underpaid workers in third world countries under questionable working conditions and think nothing of it.

People drive like jackasses on a 2D plane. Imagine if we opened up a third vector of travel. It'd be chaos.


Short answer: of course they don't trust your entries. Anyone who wants in would just list crazy specs to get selected and the beta wouldn't get a good sampling of different configurations.

I think a lot of the situations are nuanced, but I actually prefer games like Dragon Age, where they don't assign arbitrary values to the actions. Your choices come down to how you would respond, without the game trying to influence you. I am guilty of picking the choice with the light points more than once, not

It's like the classic MMO trick of raising the level cap to get your players back in the groove. Not my cup of tea, but I was obsessive about gold starring songs in Rock Band, so who am I to judge. More fun for the hardcore.

Actually, Call of Duty and Battlefield aside, name me some recent multiplatform shooters that succeeded because of their multiplayer components.

I hope you put those extra $.09 to good use.

I just wrote my thoughts on my blog ([]), but I am still not 100% sure what demographic Sony is aiming for with the Vita. It looks awesome, but it seems too high tech and pricey for parents to buy their young children, and most adults I know are close to their PS3 whenever there's free time for gaming. It

How else do you explain the concealed switchblade in the base of the controller? Perfect for shanking your opponents after a loss!

They did a few west coast shows. I caught them in San Diego. It was killer.

Depending on the cost of the house. If you're putting down $20k for a $300k house (pretty standard out here in CA), I imagine they're going to laugh you away if you don't have solid credit history. They're not just going to assume you're good for $280k plus financing because you happen to have $20k on hand. It could

Bah! That's a tempting price for The Darkness II. I loved the hell out of the first one. Must. Stop. Growing. Backlog.