
No. Your friends are not the people to help you out of a disease. Professionals are. I can’t help you figure out your insulin or your psych meds or your rehab or your chemo. Once you decide that you’re going to get professional help, I, as a friend, can support you. That’s a valuable role. But if you are in denial

Maybe I’m showing my youth with this, but I will always love naked mole rats because of Kim Possible. Rufus was a cute little fucker.

Nope. Definitely not. Also, the giant blank space to the left is killing me.

Not only that, but kids need privacy. It is unacceptable to spy on their every activity. After reading the “what’s the most embarrassing thing your parents ever did” posts where adults wrote about the trauma they still experienced from parents that digitally monitored/spied on them, I was aghast. If you are a loving,

I feel like you have to have little to no self respect to work in food service.

It’s not meaningless at all. You just don’t remotely understand the purpose of the test or what it’s measuring.

I love her Heather Wells mysteries; Size 12 Is Not Fat, Size 14 Is Not Fat Either, Big Boned, Size 12 and Ready to Rock and The Bride Wore Size 12.

When I see her name, I get a flashback to freshman year of high school when I did a book report on Size 12 is Not Fat. When I was done presenting it in front of the class, some asshole boy asks, “But like, IS size 12 fat?”

And having lived in the area for 6 years I couldn’t help cracking up at the “you could see no one for days” line.

Holy crap this is sad.