
Boom! smacked with a stop sign. Tone it down folks tone it down.

Kat isnt namecalling but your comment "They're smug, self-righteous people who just assume that they have the right to pass judgment on even the most basic elements of other people's identities. Conform or be scorned." And "fuck the haters" could be seen as confrontational. Just because someone isnt familiar with your

I don't think the writer sat down to write a well balanced sensible piece on Transgender identity, it's more of an opinion piece and I agree that frustration at it's lack of facts is warranted. It seems like anyone and everyone can have a soapbox to speak from on the issues of the day. I think we can correct people

There are a lot of people who simply don't care what specific label a transgender person wants to be labeled as. Of course those people are ignorant at best and malevolent at worst. But as for the people who do care and are sensitive to the issue I think its prudent for the Trans community to be patient and not get

Its safe to say that I don't expect many people period of being savvy on transgenderism, not because they are inherently ignorant but because it's still outside of the cultural norm. I was not attempting to single out African American Christian women, I used them as a reference because that is who the site is aimed

I used a stereotype in the place of statistical data. If a poll was taken and it showed that Christian African American women over the age of 40 were in fact not proponents of a 14 year old female identifying as a boy would I still be a racist or would I just be a judgmental jerk whos assumption was correct? I save

So am I a racist because I made a generalization of that particular group of people or am I a racist because I said something that that group of people would be offended by? White young men are usually responsible for mass shootings, this is a generalization that is correct and statistically measurable, I'm a white

Youre a racist

Emphasis on the Christian. I would hardly call myself an advocate and Im not a racist.

As we have seen with the assimilation of homosexual people in this country, the entertainment industry is really the only hope for portraying Trans people in the appropriate way. It's all about showing people how to act and what to say in a simple straight forward way that they can emulate.

What did I generalize? The fact that it's an African American women's Christian site? It clearly is, look at the navigation bar and the articles. If its for Jay to decide and proclaim what her identity is than I'm surprised because this article on Jezebel is quite suggestive on what her "correct" identity is. Maybe

I admire your faith in journalism to portray truth and benefit society but in my eyes very little of it is worth much of anything now and days. And there's a shit ton of it. But I guess it is worth trying to call out the people that should be for misinformation or in this case lack of information.

True, I'd say its a long shot to call the piece journalism or even factual but it's a magazine article and it's pandering to it's demographic. African American Christian women don't tend to be the most liberal on social issues. On the plus side the writer asked for people to start dialogue about what they think...

The assimilation of transgender people is not very far along really. The majority of people are not "up to date" with the ins and outs of transgenderism. As I'm sure you know there are actually quite a lot of aspects and nuances to the trans community not to mention the fact that people have to redefine their own

It does seem more to be a testament to motorcycle engine technology and lightweight materials then to super human skills. Granted it takes some huge balls to get that much air.

obviously she's still into you bro

Thanks for causing a scene, now the whole world knows



Yah I jack off quite a bit, no big deal