
It doesn't mean anything....he's just showing off. ;) In all seriousness, Vettel is an amazingly talented driver paired with the 'best' car in Formula 1....a potent, winning combination. The stars have truly aligned for the young German. Congratulations are in-order, Vettel should be proud of his well-deserved

I certainly want less government and less government intrusion into my life. That said your attempt to 'trivialize' the 3,000 + lives of Americans killed (on American soil) is a disservice to the victims (their families and friends); to the fight against terrorism; and, to our Country itself. I respect your opinion

With Formula 1 downsizing engines, going with forced induction and using ever more gimmicky green technology....the 6-cylinder, forced induction engines to be used in 2014 sound absolutely limp compared to the power plants previously used in F1. I'm not happy with the direction of F1 but on the plus side the need for

As wonderful as the new Corvette C7 convertible may be it's probably not for serious performance enthusiasts. Most racing organizations will not allow a convertible without major roll bar modifications. I race a modified Corvette C6 coupe. Even though Corvette coupe owners install roll bars or full cages and a

A spritzer, a napkin holder, freakishly's absurd and definitely a case of more is less. What a joke! I do like the Sith Army Knife though.

"...speculation not grounded in any available information. or even logic." Granted, it's a SWAG but I feel it is grounded in logic. Adaptability, versatility and multi-mission capability are hallmarks of any great platform. Although we're adept at retrofitting and upgrading older platforms to enhance their mission(s)

Why am I not surprised the 400th Veyron is headed to the Middle East?

You never know....the Corvette Racing GT1 C6.R weighs-in at 2580 lbs. I believe, the GT2 C6.R weighed less than 2800 lbs. There's always room to shave some weight somewhere. I sincerely hope Corvette does not go forced induction on the C7 Z06. The Z06 is supposed to be more of a road racing car and there are

It's possible corrupt Mexican authorities were the ones who committed the theft. Considering how well our government enforces border security and how foreign nationals are almost encouraged to enter the USA illegally.....what me worry?

Notwithstanding there can be a design fault or other problem which causes a car to be 'dangerous' you're's not the car it's the driver. I read one initial news story that mentioned something about a "test drive." I have not read definitively whether the driver (Rodas) owned the car and if so how much

We each have our preferences but I respectfully disagree with those who feel photorealistic artwork lacks creativity or isn't art. Art takes many forms and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I especially like photorealistic artwork....not computer-created so it appears exactly like a photograph but an oil

The "diminishing relevance" of the WBC. I wasn't aware they were relevant in the first place. I read of one community that devised some creative ways to block WBC member's cars so they couldn't get to the protest site. Frankly, when the WBC shows up to protest at a funeral (especially for a military Veteran) the

IMO the best modifications aren't necessarily the "prettiest" or even visible for that matter. Appearance modifications are fine but as an avid road racer the 'rule' is form follows function....first and foremost modifications are done to enhance a car's performance. I'm not above a little bling and I appreciate

The military accounts don't balance....don't look now but the entire US government account doesn't balance. Billions of dollars on "pallets" lost during the Iraq war....hell we add roughly $2.69 billion in debt every day. What's a few billion here and there when we're something like $16+ trillion in-debt (and rising)?

Russia's new stealth fighter; the vast expansion of Chinese military power; global terrorism; feared Iranian nuclear weapons; et cetera; and the US continues to cut procurements and downgrade our military capabilities virtually across the board. I guess there's more votes through social spending versus national

Having owned German Shepherds most all my life I'm especially saddened to read this. Weaponizing and sacrificing a canine seems sad but I know military powers have used animals for all kinds of purposes throughout history....I believe Mastiff's were bred and used to protect the body of a Knight who was knocked-off

It's a sad commentary on the business of Formula 1.

Probably so....the new V6 turbo F1 engines sound absolutely limp compared to the naturally aspirated V8 and V12 Formula 1 engines. Besides increasing costs dramatically for the teams the move to ever smaller displacement engines, degradation by design tires and all the needless, gimmicky green technology is IMHO

"It's probably for the best that it's only ever used to form winky emoticons..." I disagree! Emoticons, acronyms, slang, abbreviations, etc. are fine in certain applications but they're not a substitute for knowing how to write or converse in proper English. Being able to express yourself 'properly' does matter and

I imagine the "mid-life crisis" tag was coined by some envious 20-something. There are many reasons (financial, family 'practicality' considerations, etc.) why someone waits until mid-life to buy a high performance, 2-seat Corvette or Viper. Personally, I don't equate driving a nice Viper or Corvette with a "crisis"