
That video is vaguely familiar for some reason but no's spectacular (like being shot out of a cannon)! What's more amazing is nobody was seriously injured. Thanks for sharing!

If you see these cars everywhere maybe they're not so unpopular?

I'm not so sure he's constantly, purposely 'sawing' the steering wheel to test traction. I'm an avid, amateur road racer. I don't run in the wet too often where I live but occasionally I do. For me, I test wet track conditions/traction levels during practice or warm-up laps (prior to running hot laps) by purposely

As a long time Star Trek fan, I watch a new Star Trek movie to simply enjoy and to be entertained. I'm not looking for a cerebral, overly complicated plot nor am I purposely analyzing and critiquing each and every aspect of the production as I watch the movie. IMO Star Trek Into Darkness delivered excellent

With all due respect I might rephrase your comment "....they feel it necessary to infringe the rights of certain individuals and groups...." to they feel it necessary to infringe the rights of all individuals and groups. Although the courts have periodically defined our so-called 'rights' to privacy (or lack thereof),

It's a G-G-G-Ghia-Bus! Just think of all the real world benefits if they take it to the next level....

Despite the typical iOS7 comments from the apple asylum inmates like "amazing," "breathtaking," "revolutionary," et cetera, I'm initially unimpressed with the 'Teletubby' look. I will, however, reserve final judgment until I see (and use) the new, happier looking iOS7 on my solitary apple iphone.

For most people, the need to have an automobile for personal transportation is not going to's a virtual necessity for most of us. For the elderly and/or infirm the autonomous, self-driving car could be a Godsend. For those still physically and mentally capable to drive, I can only envision the

Despite being decidedly anti-apple I've used an iphone 4 for years (which I'm satisfied with). I wasn't instantly enamored with apple's new iphones but I don't fall prey to the marketing hype that apple truly excels at. Neither the fingerprint scanner nor the new iOS7 'Teletubby' interface does much for me but the

Very cool! I've never been to Rio but I'd love to go....maybe one day. Thanks for sharing.

I wonder why the City didn't proceed with the Golden Gate Bay Levee to regulate "rising sea levels?" Maybe it was an inconvenient truth when al gore bought a multi-million dollar condo in San Francisco and then a nearly $9 million "oceanfront villa" in Montecito. Al may loss access to his homes and millions of dollars

I don't know what the square footage is or anything about the 'mechanicals' or 'support' area(s) but the spaciousness is unbelievable for an underground shelter. I'm curious about the 1960’s era life support systems used and what physical space is devoted to such things as air and water systems, power, security,

“….there was nothing wrong with Germany computerized census of 1933…..until the Nazis got to power and started to create lists of jews complete with address in a matter of minutes. UNCHECKED access to big data is what enabled the Holocaust…”

It sounds like wealth envy and jealousy rearing its head. I don't begrudge Jay Leno or anyone their money and success. It must be nice to be able to indulge your every car fantasy. More power to him!

Dr. Evil's secret volcano lair.....good call Johnson!

Cadillac is building some very impressive vehicles. That being said I'm not in favor of smaller displacement, forced induction engines to the total exclusion of larger displacement, naturally aspirated power plants. If sufficient consumer demand exists for larger, naturally aspirated engines they should be an

Self-driving cars, steering, acceleration and braking input excepted....with computers and a multi-functional display you could probably get the number of 'gauges and controls' down to one (if not zero). Computers can monitor virtually all vital functions and could be programmed to deal with any contingency.

Both on my computer and my iphone I use the WeatherUnderground / It provides a broad array of information not typically found elsewhere and I also like its vast network of user weather stations enabling me to obtain weather conditions in very close proximity to where I live.

A fun event to be sure but the American icon Corvette should have been represented with the C6 ZR1. It would have placed respectfully well.....and more so if bang for the buck was a factor.

The United Nations serves a purpose for all members but each member country naturally looks out for their own interests. Obviously, interests amongst so-called "allies" aren't always aligned and real world benefits (of the UN) are often dubious at best. IMO it's safe to assume all countries and especially the major