Did she have any reason to believe this guy was crazy/violent? I don’t know much about him, but it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me that she would assume she wouldn’t be murdered and dismembered...
Did she have any reason to believe this guy was crazy/violent? I don’t know much about him, but it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me that she would assume she wouldn’t be murdered and dismembered...
I just want to point out that anyone who needs to make a whole video about why they don’t use the n-word (which can be summed up in one sentence, really) might be catering to an audience that needs such things explained to them and would play to them in other ways.
Ugh, phrasing.
It’s honestly so fascinating to me the way that men who are exclusively ephebophilic relate to age, aging and death. I’ve spent the better part of my adult life teaching on college campuses and honestly, there are so many male professors and older graduate students who fit into this category. They are obsessed with…
My theory: couples who don’t want kids decide that a viable option is to get a pet that they can treat like a kid, and thus they think that they’re entitled to drag their pets along as if they were kids.
“I’ve known quiet a few of these types of people and all of them have some common themes:high anxiety, a deep distrust of people and not worth of trust themselves.
*adds chucklefuck to dictionary*
So that makes this effectively canon, right?
But ass with all things related to EVE...
Kinda looks like someone brought a party sub.
Sorry, I’m in the habit of saying “young man” and “young lady” for kids when I’m being formal. Didn’t mean to imply he wasn’t a child.
He’s one day closer to the crushing inevitability of death, just like the rest of us.
The Venn Diagram of “white people who want to use the N-word” and “human beings you shouldn’t hang out with” is a circle.
#NotAllChads (Although, it does seem like a whole bunch.)
“As far as “trivializing” a death, there is no point in the article where I make fun of their death. “....................I would say equating it to a canceled Ed Sheeran article isn’t exactly showing proper respect.
Dwayne Jeune and Joshua Barre come to mind as non-local mentally ill people whose death at the hands of cops was nationally publicized.
This is timely:
Lol classic. You get reasonable push back and you just want it to go away.
Michael still has her listed as Heather Headley. His outrage must be phony to then.
He asked a question and I answered.