Ruby Rose seems like the kind of person who get into a lot of fights on Facebook.
Ruby Rose seems like the kind of person who get into a lot of fights on Facebook.
Fucking Dunning Kruger.
According to Jia, that guy could not possibly be bullying Amy Schumer, because she has more money than he does.
Misogyny is highly soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol.
I also had a qualm about the power issue. In some cases it’s very subjective and hard to assess. Rachel Roy may have more money, and there’s power for sure in that, but quantity can be power in and of itself. In the case of Ella Dawson, I think it was problematic that the managing editor of Genius itself started…
You did set the bar pretty high.
At the end of the day, the premise of this piece was the same as almost all Gawker thoughts on similar subjects: it’s only wrong if we like the person being attacked. Since Beyonce is Beyonce, anyone who crossed her deserves whatever internet wrath they get. Don’t slut shame unless it’s Rachel Roy. Rape gifs are…
If there’s a more obnoxious way to say what you’re saying, I have yet to see it.
There’s also a numbers issue. Roy may be far more powerful than some Beyoncé idealizing 15 year old in Omaha, but when you multiply that 15 year old times thousands and send them all after one person, it takes on a much different tone. If not with Roy than certainly with her daughter.
Did you really just write a whole thinkpiece about “bullying” so that you could dismiss Rachel Roy on a technicality and suggest she was asking for it? That’s what I’m getting.
I recently bought a political globe for my classroom and it turned out to be missing both Taiwan and Tibet. I returned it... only to be unable to find a suitable replacement. Talked to several teacher friends and they are having the same problem.
JFC. Just the thought that these organizations (local and national chapters alike) think that they have enough of a reputation or financial interest to try and coerce its members into some sort of NDA is fucking ridiculous.
It’s pretty common practice for photos to be taken with and of stillborn babies in the hospital. When I was doing my maternity rotation in nursing school one of the women on the unit I was assigned to had a baby that was stillborn. The pregnancy was nearly full term and had been completely normal, but something…
You have to stick with the manly man’s Gawker properties narrative: Deadspin and Jalopnik are Good Blogs Frequented By Manly Men Who Have Disdain For Nerds, Geeks, Women, Liberal Hipsters, The Gays And SJWs.
When all else fails, remember: Zack Snyder is, has been, and will be a hack director.
Exactly. Fuck that jamoke shit. In this country a 12 year old in a park with a pellet gun is deserving of an after the fact state sanctioned summary execution but a bunch of guys tooled up for war occupying a government property is deserving of a “Aww... shucks, boy will be boys.”? No. No.
This is an armed occupation of a government building! Please tell me in what way this would NOT be considered terrorism when done on American soil. I get it, I might have a skewed opinion being a PoC in America...but why are the kid gloves on when whites do terrible things but non-white get called everything under the…
Here is the thing. These men are not frightening. They are jamokes. They are exactly jamokes. Their guns, on the other hand, are very frightening
It is a happy accident that I saw this piece only a few seconds after it was posted. Woe is Media was a wealth of information for me during my Women’s Studies class in university. I even used it in one of my case study projects about social justice movements in new media. I have always loved your work and this piece…
In response to #CrimingWhileWhite, editor Jamilah Lemieux started the hashtag #AliveWhileBlack for black people to share stories of their interactions with the cops—not while committing crimes, but just while living—where they were treated with violence, carelessness and general inhumanity.