
Follow Dr. Willenbring’s example:

As a gay man, I’m not going to deny homophobia has a role, but on an apples to apples basis- Spacey is the only post-Weinstein figure who’s been accused of sexual assault on an unconscious minor. To my mind Polanksi is the closest to a comparable, and he’s pre-Weinstein.

I wanted Daly to survive- because I wanted to see Team Rogue AI accrue the capital and resources to try to take a hit out on him using said dudebros before he secured their base-self DNA again or came for them in the next update. (Imagine Nanette screaming DAAAALLLYYY!)

The “reach” and “influence” reminds me of theork the word “admired” did in Louis CK’s apology.

Now your mother doesn’t need to worry.

I think the only reason it worked is because of the framing scenes in the beginning of a) Kurt explicitly shooting down physical intimacy in the view of b) his sons. The sons/mother dynamics also played a role in dampening rape-iness, I think.

Greetings Kotaku, from an IO9'er.

The un-ironic use of the phrase “virtue signaling” is a confession that the writer has no values or integrity, and therefore believes others don’t either.

Taking it one step further- Why does ANY employee need to be told about not “messing” with the waitresses? What does “messing with” even mean in the context of what Crane knew about McGrath’s behavior?

“God forbid a little white boy whose parents are known to be white supremacists, shed one tear over being possibly reprimanded for repeating racist rhetoric he heard at home to his fellow classmates.”

Raised Southern Baptist- Our saying was Never invite just one Baptist because they’ll drink all your beer, but if you invite two they won’t drink any of it- for fear the other will snitch.

One of your replies is a lunchcoma doppelganger. You can dismiss that, and this, should you choose.

Lunchcoma has a troll doppelganger who replied to this and got ungreyed. You have the power to dismiss that- and this- should you choose to.

“Good driver.”

In the tweet right before AB’s response, Robicelli was allegedly in texts with some of the victims themselves.

The Barney character in How I Met Your Mother has a related technique of just opening the door naked when they arrive for the date.

The IG account that said “shouldn’t us whites stick together” has been established to be a troll account, according to the update on Yesha’s unlinked post on this from yesterday.

So- overweight, sweaty, dressed all in black, and cutting himself for attention?

So you’re saying he has a pattern of taking cheap shots at people, but only when surrounded by adoring fans? Huh.