Looks like everyone else here already covered the pretty glaring differences in gameplay, tone, strategy, combat, health refilling, armor, weapon choice, and play style - so I’m going to go ahead and comment on this from an emotional standpoint.
I found my Felwinter’s Lie a few months back, and wouldn’t you know it - the came equipped with both Shot Package AND Hammer Forged ... glad to hear that it’s not just my imagination, and that it is in fact a goddamn outrageous damage dealer (and my number 1 PvP weapon). It’s a one-shot show stopper - and easily one…
Does it make me a terrible person that after the first Thorne, every subsequent one I’ve gotten the quest for (2 more) I just had a few friends play rumble pit, all of whom had Thorne bounties, and we just took turns shooting each other in a corner over a few games?
Oh my god this list in incredible ... I’ve seen like three of these and now must quest to watch them all.
I might buy into this if not for the fact that there is a scene in Totoro where and and his nesting-doll buddies actually make a whole bunch of plants and trees GROW. I.E. they create new life, if only for a short time in a dream world - but they create life, they don’t destroy it, or take it. It doesn’t happen during…
Honestly Battlefront 1 was kind of “meh” to me, I liked it for the sake of loving Star Wars and enjoying just being able to run around pew-pew’ing both storm troopers and rebels alike ... but it wasn’t until Battlefront II that I was hooked.
Yes, the 3rd is definitely coming out soon ... but no space battles, and no career mode so ... really it’s not Battlefront at all :(
Yeah while it’s great to see people beating each other up with swords in a real combat scenario, I feel like ... without the whole “stabbing” and “slicing” parts of sword play, having a heavy sword in combat like this is not necessarily ... super helpful. I’d probably take two shields over a shield and a sword - and…
I’ve been playing Destiny probably 4-5 months now, and I have yet to play a single Raid. Frankly, I just don’t have that many people who can play all at once, at the same time. So I have no problem with this news at all since, for some of us, Raids aren’t actually even possible - much less “fun” or “the best part of…