

Looks like everyone else here already covered the pretty glaring differences in gameplay, tone, strategy, combat, health refilling, armor, weapon choice, and play style - so I’m going to go ahead and comment on this from an emotional standpoint.

Sigh ... someday Lucas, someday.

I found my Felwinter’s Lie a few months back, and wouldn’t you know it - the came equipped with both Shot Package AND Hammer Forged ... glad to hear that it’s not just my imagination, and that it is in fact a goddamn outrageous damage dealer (and my number 1 PvP weapon). It’s a one-shot show stopper - and easily one

Also available: Master’s level training in blackface and elite-tier deception.

but seriously, who the hell is this guy? And where did all the pants go ???

Does it make me a terrible person that after the first Thorne, every subsequent one I’ve gotten the quest for (2 more) I just had a few friends play rumble pit, all of whom had Thorne bounties, and we just took turns shooting each other in a corner over a few games?

His head is so WEE! :P

That’s fenway in the background ... this looks like an angle from somewhere on Van Ness St. or Brookline Ave ... and that could very well be the Prudential Center in the far left :) So exciting.

... but seriously, if you’re cooking you’re steaks to the point of being well done, you probably shouldn't be in charge of cooking that steak anyway ...


Now playing

Oh my god this list in incredible ... I’ve seen like three of these and now must quest to watch them all.

I might buy into this if not for the fact that there is a scene in Totoro where and and his nesting-doll buddies actually make a whole bunch of plants and trees GROW. I.E. they create new life, if only for a short time in a dream world - but they create life, they don’t destroy it, or take it. It doesn’t happen during

They totally do this with pumpkins too, and it is awesome.

Honestly Battlefront 1 was kind of “meh” to me, I liked it for the sake of loving Star Wars and enjoying just being able to run around pew-pew’ing both storm troopers and rebels alike ... but it wasn’t until Battlefront II that I was hooked.

Yes, the 3rd is definitely coming out soon ... but no space battles, and no career mode so ... really it’s not Battlefront at all :(

Yeah while it’s great to see people beating each other up with swords in a real combat scenario, I feel like ... without the whole “stabbing” and “slicing” parts of sword play, having a heavy sword in combat like this is not necessarily ... super helpful. I’d probably take two shields over a shield and a sword - and

I’ve been playing Destiny probably 4-5 months now, and I have yet to play a single Raid. Frankly, I just don’t have that many people who can play all at once, at the same time. So I have no problem with this news at all since, for some of us, Raids aren’t actually even possible - much less “fun” or “the best part of

Wow, they even included a little duck lip pucker ... just to add more insult to injury

Ok I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself once I got thinking about it ... :P