
I'm 31 years old, we got our first NES when I had just turned six, and I was immediately smitten. I subscribed to Nintendo Power for issue #3 onward until I was 20, I drew Nintendo characters on my school papers and in the margins of my homework, I loved their stories and their ideas and their way of approaching

20. Cyan

34. Cloud

61. Mog

I'm pretty sure Kirk would employ a diplomatic double drop kick mid-negotiation :P

Wow I'm surprised and thrilled to see some poi fire spinning art come out of kinect! Seems like spinning in general is tiptoeing closer to being a 'thing' here in the states (anyone else see the fire spinners during Joffrey's wedding in GoT???) :)

Tien had 3 eyes, I wasn't counting him as "human" since he seemed to be magical in some way (like how Chi Chi isn't really a "human" because she's half god) - up for debate though!

I'd even go so far as to call that a GLARING omission.

Here's my ranked list of which characters spend the most screen time crying, whining, blubbering, screaming in fear, hand-wringing or shaking in abject / silent terror:

If you like randomized dungeon crawlers and strategy games, this one is incredibly addictive :) It's like a combination of Torneko (PS1) and Oregon Trail ... plus space.

Agreed, no idea where this came from but despite a pretty folk-rock streak out in western MA- this makes no sense at all. We're talking about Worcester / Boston here ... not rural Ontario.

Don't forget "Intoxicant of choice: Fa'kin beeyuh!"