Neutral Username

That depends on your tolerance for nonsense. Just watch the youtube clip "glass shark". If you don't like that you probably won't like much of anything that those sweet, soft boys do.

"Moby’s “Extreme Ways”—a song that, in any non-Bourne capacity, sucks real bad."

Fly with the Eagles to Mordor? Sure, if you don't mind having your ring-bearer dropped from the sky so a giant, sentient bird of prey can steal the ring, gain the power of invisibility and eat anyone in Middle-Earth at any time. Otherwise, that's a great idea.

In his private life he is exceptionally Mormon-y. I don't feel like it comes across too much in his writing. The meta-physics of his world are somewhat based on Mormonism, but I think you could easily miss that if you haven't studied Mormon theology.

Let me make a counter suggestion: Daniel Abraham's The Long Price Quartet. Only four books. Really well written. Focus on the relationships of the main characters.

Imagine you turned on the television one Saturday morning and there's was this cartoon on with lots of awesome action sequences and magic and, okay, there are some lame jokes, but it just sorts of adds to general fun vibe. Of course, there is barely any hint of sex (this is a cartoon after all), but ever now and then

I am continually annoying others by plaintively howling the opening bars to "Duel of Fates." Just a really fantastic piece.