
I went back to school when my son entered kindergarten and started teaching when he began fifth grade. I’m not saying that you should go get a teaching credential, but your options increase once your children are in school. My son goes to an after school program for enrichment and homework help.

THANK YOU. I was introduced to the fact that this was the tone for all parenting articles while I was still pregnant, and reading an article about how to continue breast feeding when you return to work. The article helpfully suggested that I hang a sign on my office door to let co workers know that I was using my

Ok, but here’s a question: What do you do if you’ve made the mistake to stay home and regret it? Unless you’ve got a big job/passion job/high $$ job to go back to its really easy to get sucked into the SAHM thing. ESPECIALLY, if you find day-to-day motherhood rewarding and helps ease the stress of juggling family

I used to be a POS until I came across this website, admittedly having a daughter probably helped but this website opened my eyes to a lot of things....even 1 is still a win

sure, because addressing the disparities between the expectations of men and women who become parents is EXACTLY the same as thinking that women frequently lie about rape.

Sorry guys - Gen-X dads did this first. Recognize.

Yeah, workplace policies are a problem here, but the problem might also be in Millennial dudes. Many of them believe they are very feminist, but um, sometimes it ends there. This article recently came out that indicated that men in dual earning households who have kids often believe they are doing more work, but are

Writing for the NYTimes?

The good old days when you didn’t need a 60k degree to get a job that’d buy you a house and car. Haha, I kid. Because obviously most 60k degrees don’t even guarantee a living wage now.

The only time I really saw my dad take on significant domestic duties was when my mother was either away or a few years ago when a hip replacement rendered her immobile for a few months. Even then, I would take a train an hour each way in order to help around the house every weekend, clean, do laundry, cook some

My baby boomer mother doesn’t understand why we have a strained relationship due to her dubious insistence on self reliance. You push the baby bird out of the nest too early, they’ll never call you.

Though there are many reasons why I don’t want kids, THIS one is high on the list. I have little to no faith that my hypothetical future husband would ever truly be an equal parent.

My BF and I so far (28, and 30, been together 10 years), don’t want any children. But in case we ever change our minds I’d love to be a stay at home mother, though our salaries ar too low to support that. So we’d want equel parts in this as well. Where I am (Quebec), women get 9 months maternity leave, and the man

I have a fairly egalitarian marriage (I probably do a little more on the childcare end, he does a little more on the housekeeping end). We are lucky to have affordable, quality daycare. Where we ran into problems last year was when the kids were sick. We burned through a year’s worth of sick days in a few months.

Like you, I plan on taking my time.

I have the same fears about being vulnerable and showing my body to someone new - I've only ever been with my ex. But I am also beginning to accept that despite my ex's ability to move on in this way more or less immediately, that is a long way off in the future for me. I have a lot of other stuff to sort out first,

Ours wasn't as brutal as yours sounds. No cowardliness involved, just a lack of care that allowed the feelings to slip away. I did still care more (romantically) than she did so it was worse for me than her. There were never any fights, just the realization that we had become roommates. Our relationship was efficient,

Much cake and wine to you friend, though if you are anything like me, you won't really be able to stomach either at the moment. Wow, 11 years is a really long time. A lot of the relationship advice I see on the internet refers to couples who broke up after maybe 3 or 4 years, and although that would be heart breaking

Hi fellow break up person. I am in the middle of a split that is happening exactly on our eleventh anniversary! Mine is not messy like yours (actually, it is as good as you could imagine for the ending of a long relationship) but it is still sad and painful, so I can only imagine the place you are in. I hope it turns

"advertisements that equate happiness with thinness and, by default, obesity with misery"