
Could be worse, one could spend 400 billion on a fighter aircraft that would struggle against a fifties era MIG.

Delusional thinking. There isnt a US fighter that can anymore get close to Moscow, than there is a Russian fighter that can buzz the white house.

Lets back up. No country has claimed that the Russian planes have violated theeir airspace. Nor have US planes violated Russian airspace. Get your facts straight even if Yahoo cannot.

T50 has far greater range, and Russian S500’s will track the F22.

Umm, lets see, holding Cuban territory by force, shooting down a defenseless Iranian jetliner, spying on the leaders of our allies and all American citizens, illegally using drone strikes in African countries, killing Americans in those strikes, arming and leading the coup in Ukraine, and bullying the whole world with

Nobody wants to take over Israel, they just want Israel to act like a responsible member of the international community,.....within its own borders.

Yes Ukraine, we managed to force a coup upon them and now we are locked in a struggle with rebels in the east as the US and Russia back opposite sides.

You have got to be kidding. The Russians have numerous radar systems that can detect and track any of our stealth aircraft.