
The biggest bullies towards my sister and me in school were the Jesus-iest girls ever. They attended all church services, youth activities, retreats, etc. And these girls made damn sure to let us know, especially when adults weren’t around, that our entire family would rot in hell for all eternity. Another girl told

Kindly read the 4,000+ word history I just spent months writing explaining why that is a gross oversimplification before you comment.

Winter stars when it damn well pleases up north.

Disagree on walking to get the beer. Having walked to a liquor store to buy blizzard beer on numerous occasions, I am always far more concerned with the psychos that drive to get the beer.

I don’t want to Northsplain to you, Anna, but you have to rent a snowmobile. 

Lol omg you really wrote all that

Until its proven otherwise I am fully convinced that the only reason Trump picked Carson for HUD is because he’s black and it has the word urban in it’s title.

“Hold my Molson I’m gonna try something.” --Canadian snow plow operator

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.

Jymmi Sympson?

Not as much Jimmi Simpson spelling his name with an “i” bothers me.

But let’s all remember how corrupt Hilary is, with her email mismanagement and her charity—the one with high ratings from watchdog organizations. Good thing we dodged that bullet, huh?

I am 100% certain that he assumed their would be a big door with a sign on it saying, “Top Secret Dungeon!!!”.

At least he was able to get a gun thank god

Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.

Wallet inspector!

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

He sees what you did there.