
Because some of us just LIKE this stuff, and I feel like that should be ok. Not all of us who eat placenta, get acupuncture, avoid GMO’s, antibiotics and processed foods are anti-vaxxing, anti-science lunatics. Some of us feel safe in a holistic approach to medicine and prefer that before turning to conventional

I am not surprised in the least that this doctor is a woman. FGM is often insisted upon by the women who have themselves endured it. I’m no fan of Ayaan Hirsi but she is clear that her father opposed the procedure, and her grandmother secreted her away from the home to undergo it. As well as another case profiled on

I’m getting young Norm Macdonald after two bottles of wine.

It’s like Kevin Costner and Michael Keaton had a test tube baby.

I read this earlier and cried. We need fucking universal health care in this country. Greatest country in the world my ass. I legitimately want to move to Canada no matter who wins this election.

Yeah; if it is true. And even if it isn’t true — this in no way delegitimises Black Lives Matter.

His line was:

I have a feeling that the pregnant human body is more resilient than newly pregnany supermoms not eating fish at all and getting placenta facials make us think. People used to smoke all the time during pregnancy. In the Early Modern Period, people used to barely eat and would give birth to normal children. No one