
That and her line reading of "and never agree to 15 minutes alone in a shack with the devil… good lord…."

Vampires can embody fears of sexuality too. They're always licking each other's necks in sensual, luxurious settings. They penetrate you, usually causing pleasure, while sending bodily fluid streaming down your neck, and it turns you into one of them. In that regard, vampires are good stand-ins for LGBTs or anyone

I don't know if you've tried any of the expansions, but we added On the Brink, and it's made it far more interesting. After the first epidemic, one of the diseases becomes "virulent", which gives it random extra bad effects with each epidemic. There's also a fifth "mutation" disease that's tricky to cure. The real

Even bringing up Tartakovsky's series was a mistake, as he showed that it was possible to do an amazing version of the prequels that throws Lucas's dropping the ball into even sharper relief. The "braid" sequence is more emotionally affecting than anything in the PT, and the depiction of Grievous as an silent, agile,

Yes, the original reviewer missed it the first time.

I liked that that aspect also let viewer share the protags' confusion, since eventually it's unclear whether they're flashing back or hallucinating.

Yeah, for a while that seemed to be the go-to technique for screenwriters looking to stretch an idea out to 90 minutes: pad on some childhood trauma for motivation, Grinch and Burton's Wonka being two examples.

Yeah, that's one dark basement to go pokin' around in.

Sucks to yer Othmar!

Oh, I agree about the Vikings. I think the detail that a good chunk of central Westeros was controlled by the Ironborn under Harren the Black at the time of Aegon's Conquest is a combination of the Danish control of England under Cnut and his people in the century before William did his thing, and Harald Hardrada, the

The history of Westeros is closer to England, with the Conquest and the Wars-of-the-Roses-style conflict in the current action, but geographically it's more like if all of Europe were a separate, sealocked continent, since Dorne seems to be a mishmash of Spain and Italy (though the Valyrian Freeholds' resemblance to


No, he's more of a Bizarro zombie: he rises from the dead but wants you to eat his flesh.

It took a great deal of convincing to sell my girlfriend on watching it, and she loves Will Arnett. We both ended up loving it of course.

That and there's a certain age after which "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" sounds more like petulance than righteous defiance.

Beat me to it. Glad I kept scrolling.

This is the song (along with the dying rabbit video) that made me decide not to move to Seattle with my then-girlfriend.

Are they aliens who hunt Nazi ghosts, or hunters of Nazi ghost aliens? Tune in this fall to find out.

Heroes excelled at that in general. I've never seen a show that was as good at making me think something awesome was about to happen and then failing to deliver.