
Well, that line about cold leads pretty much spoonfeeds us the reason he was absent for the aerial fight. He explicitely states that he prefers it to being in the midst of battle. Contrast that with Rhodey’s obvious craving for a better battle story to tell people at parties and it explains itself.

You, my friend, deserve ALL THE STARS!! GIVE THIS PERSON THE STARS!!

That’s exactly it. I really think this show didn’t squander any of its potential. It just drew the short straw and the network doesn’t realize how loyal the following is.

Well, he was new. Like.. A couple of days ‘new’. And he has a lot of Tony’s bad attitude in him. The cockiness, the witty remarks. He’s exactly the opposite of what I expected a nigh-omnipotent, murderous, super A.I. to act like and personally, I love it. It’s out-of-the-box thinking.

Only person ever affected by friction while carried by the Flash: Felicity Smoak! Physics only work in this show when they make things awkward/hot.

Wasn’t Eiling killed by Grodd some episodes ago?

Well, yeah.. I’m well aware that Iron Heights wouldn’t be ideal. But it’s not like this guy turns into gas.. If you keep a very close eye on him and limit his ability to touch people (Special gloves perhaps) he can be kept at Iron Heights without him escaping. And of course he’d be kept out of gen-pop.

Honestly.. I thought it was a dirty photo.. I was like “You are not about to go there, are you?”

I love how Cisco maintains that he and Ray are ‘the only ones that are good with the names’ but each time when Caitlin has come up with a name for a Meta it has been explicitly approved by the Meta himself. (Read Chronicles of Cisco for pipeline fun-stuff)

Wells not putting a better lock on his secret lair

Yeah. Marvel has been doing the “Hey, I’m not dead!” thing a tad much now but Coulson didn’t really qualify. He was supposed to stay dead and we, the fans, were the ones who brought him back.

Well, it’s been all but official for a long time now that Deadpool is a blatant rip-off of Deathstroke. Deadpool was much more serious, akin to Deathstroke, in his first appearances but with time he became the uber-parody of that type of character and made a name for himself as his own character, stepping out of the

I have come to the conclusion that Gotham is not a prequel to any established Batman we know. Instead, it is a parallel universe like the one SuperBoy Prime came from in the comic books. And yeah, Barbara becoming the Ogre’s true love would be a perfect use of the character right now.

Sure we would. We might find some of those TVs.

This is a great thing about the show. I also love how this show handles violence. I think it’s one of the show’s best qualities. It shows real violence. No take-a-hundred-punches-without-batting-an-eye. No one-hit-takedowns. No bullshit. Every fight plays out like I would imagine it would in real life. And it’s bloody

Okay.. Whoa. Calm down there. I was just saying to everyone wondering how they get fed and stuff to check out the blog that explains it. No reason to get militant. Also, it's easy to say that the Pipeline is morally ambigous at best and highly unethical at worst, but what's the alternative? Putting them on trial so

Exactly! Definitely not gonna happen but I would be more at peace with that if it didn't seem like the only logical choice for Ollie.

I'm actually hoping they're pulling a switcheroo. They've already established that Roy isn't dead so why does he have to stay out of the show? Screw Thea. If Oliver finally becomes the next Ra's Al Ghul that would be insane. Like in a good way. Imagine it. Instead of going out every night and worrying about Starling

Great episode. But am I really the only one who finds Ollie's actions through this whole "Be the next Ra's Al Ghul" infuriatingly stupid?