
Wrong color. But cool!

Yeah. Comic books are great but sometimes they're stupid. And on the subject of Spider-Man

I agree.. I need more Nine in my life.

Did that happen? Comic books are kinda dumb, aren't they?

I agree.. It's not that crazy but it's still weird that she's completely omitted from the cover. It's not quite like featuring Binks on a cover for Vader (More like young Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn but no Vader) but it's in that general direction.

If Constantine isn't renewed Matt Ryan would actually make an alright DC Lucifer looks-wise. Just sayin'


If you can make Transmetropolitan happen and follow the story of the comics to a T, I would never watch another episode of any other television again!

It seems people are pissed off about NBC dropping Constantine in tandem with being pissed off about this. And since this can still change but Constantine's state of affairs doesn't seem to be changing, they're blaming NBC. I'm pretty miffed too.

That, sadly, has nothing to do with this movie since it's a part of the X-Men universe which isn't connected to the MCU. (If that's what you're refering to)

Because Wolverine can die, he has an accelerated healing factor which was imported to Deadpool as a result of the Weapon X project but the immortality that plagues Wade isn't technically a by-product of his healing factor. The X-Movies do however portray Logan's healing factor as being pretty much powerful enough to

Well, she's probably Death and if she isn't we will all be disappointed, Reynolds included, I presume.

Yes. Thanos actually cursed Deadpool with eternal life out of jealousy, so Deadpool can't be with Death.

There will be a spray of bullets, we will get hurt.

Alright, I'll give you that CW drama is a little on the soapy side but this show would be too heavy if the characters weren't a little corny, personally I think it's not too much.

It's The Flash. What are you expecting, super hero Game of Thrones? What you call soapiness is human drama, it can't very well be comprised exclusively of Grant Gustin running around helping people and cracking wise (however much we would all like a little bit more of that), because then it'd be deemed hollow and

In lieu of Cisco's glorious (yet not mentioned) Friends reference I think this might be the reason we can't have nice things.

What if he's not wearing underwear beneath it? That would just be awkward.
I would totally forgive this show for that kind of silly writing because so far this show has not let me down. Plus, it would be pretty funny..

Maybe but that would totally undermine Zsasz unless he's in on it too and that's totally out of character for someone so loyal to Falcone. Besides, that would be smart screenwriting. Something this show is sorely missing.

If there is a character on this show that I sincerely like, it's Victor Zsasz.
There's sassy and then there's Zsaszy. When he unveiled Butch I was actually hoping he would slaughter Penguin. Like, really hoping. I hate Cobblepot.