
I like how one girl shoots another girl and you still find a way to blame boys for it.... as if that even matters at this point.

Might have been over a girl...

It’s just as likely that she was being bullied by another girl. Can’t say I’ve met anybody from Texas who wasn’t a little off or xenophobic.

Yeah, because they earn soooo much money on Netflix. barely anyone “buys” digital movies on the Playstation 4 Platform. And a 4K BD Player would also make a great plus for people wondering about buying a 4K TV, y’know, the thins another Sony division makes?

This is a cost issue, nothing about driving sales for digital

You will understand next year when you come to realize how many of the components of that gaming PC you just bought will need to be upgraded in order to keep up with the requirements of new games coming out.

Yeah, I feel like she’s playing the wrong games, to be honest. Most games I’m aware of have skinny females, but also muscular males. Like, how many video games can you think of that feature, say, a fat male character?

“It’s as if male characters are free to embody whichever physique best communicates their personality or abilities,”

This is exactly why most male protagonists look like movie stars.

I think it’s more along the lines of “male characters are free to embody whichever physique best communicates their personality as long as it’s some permutation of muscular and preferably bearded.”

She says some things which are designed to get attention or to stir it up.

I see what she means but I don’t think it’s accurate in the slightest

True, Overwatch does have more diversity, and that’s great. I honestly mean that! But some games in the last decade have had normal looking women too, and I’m not a huge fan of Anita for this. Plus, most men in video games are built and attractive and the “ideal” as well. I know most men don’t care as much about

I don’t blame people from trying stuff though. It makes for an interesting diversion in a game that can often be rather tedious. And, ideally, a game with this size could make for some interesting puzzles. However, realistically, it’s probably just yet another unfinished feature.

This assumes they actually serve a purpose. Seeing that 99% of the things in this game don't, I think it's a safe guess to assume they're working as intended (by having no function).

The only thing funnier than all the anger over this game are the people who still have not realized that it is an early access game sold at full AAA retail price.

I’m not sure that releasing their game smack dab in the holiday season, against games such as Call of Duty, Mafia III, Gears of Wars 4, Tomb Raider, Battlefield, The Last Guardian, Titanfall, Watch Dogs , Dishonored and the new Pokemon is really giving FFXV any kind of breathing room.

Aren’t you a ray of sunshine? People came together and raised money to help kids. Be happy for once. also inb4 snarky comment about my username.

I am as big a Daniel Bryan fan as they come, but I can’t help but agree with the idea that he did himself in with his wrestling style. It’s debatable whether his final concussion was something he could have more easily avoided, but even the mentality he had when he came back after his neck injury—having Luke Harper

I really wish there were some epic moments in the game. Earthquakes, animal stampedes, gravity so strong it forces you to crash land. Random ship malfunctions . Something for the player to problem solve. I would love to get into trouble in the atmosphere of a planet and suddenly realize engine failure forcing me to

QUOTE | “Nobody gets sleep anymore. How is this acceptable? ... They hang out on our lawns, trample landscaping, look in vehicles... We don’t feel safe... I don’t feel safe sitting on our porch.” - A lawsuit filed by a Detroit-area couplebecause Pokemon Go put Pokestops and gyms near their property and players had