Everyone of this guys comments has one star on it and I’m beginning to think it’s himself
Brick squad. No room for 1017, couldn’t be So Icey Boys for obvious reasons
I only ever cared about the artwork and the little story synopsis that most of these include. I really like the two sided covers Nintendo is doing with the Switch, and Sony does them sometimes as well.
Sorry, but I’m pretty sure most people don’t play shooters for a political message.
Bullet Club representing. Was Kenny Omega near by, did the Young Bucks interfere?
Already secured Horizon and Zelda, and my Switch. I’m interested in Nier as well but that has to wait. Gonna blast through as much Horizon as I can before Friday
Fuck this guy
What the fuck
Traded in my Wii U and 2DS towards a pre order yesterday, and was just about to pay it off between those. Ordered Zelda off Amazon so I’m set for March 3rd
I keep hoping to see some special editions Pro (just because I think the current one looks ugly), and Sony has seemingly yet to release one. Was really hoping this was a a Pro when I started reading the headline
Guess I’ll be skipping this after all
Some great movies coming out this year.
Not thick, nor a villain. Surprise!
Yeah, I knew I shouldn’t have clicked on this
Watch Dogs 2 when I can, otherwise Pokemon Moon
Nah, thanks