
My top five for the year:

Dark Souls/Bloodborne are the rare story campaigns I replay. Pokemon, usually, as well. For me, there’s gotta be different variables that can lead to an almost entirely different different playthrough, which mostly equates to class/team building. Even games that offer the whole “you can stealth it or go in guns

Why are we assuming that the people who comment on kotaku can’t possibly be educated?

Yeah, that Marvel video has been laughed at by plenty of people in the industry. Meanwhile, I have absolutely no idea how anyone could be confused watching someone in red, white and blue beat up a bunch of thugs wearing black, or a kid in a blue and red suit with webs fighting a 50 story tall man in a motorcycle outfit

Lol, that Marvel video again?

This was the first Final Fantasy I ever completed, so I barely watched any of the trailers prior to release. I’m grateful for that, as everything was a surprise and I absolutely adore the game. Sucks for the die hard FF fans though

Chapter 13 isn’t the worse thing ever or difficult; on the contrary, I mostly just found it boring because the item you’re forced to use essentially has a “Hold Y to Win” function, and that’s all I used during the chapter until I received normal offensive options again. Probably the easiest, but most tedious and drawn

Would have definitely added FFXV to this list

Long time Dead Rising fan, all of these things are positives

They’ve been the biggest complaints since the start of the series for nearly everyone, myself included, and I’ve beaten and loved the first three games regardless of it. This article almost feels like satire. “Thrilling escorts?” Thrilling? In what way is trying to maneuver between thousands of zombies with a

This is exactly why I think I may end up liking this more than prior games

I’m glad to see Overwatch get so many awards. Would’ve liked to have seen something for Dark Souls 3 though

Not a big deal. There’s always hardcore players of anything who blow through the content in record time then complain there’s nothing to do

This comment section -_-;

Lotta angry COD fans in this comment section

It won’t even let you join as one person though...

No thanks

I got up to 382/383 fairly easy, I’m 387 now on my main and that was a terrible grind because of how hard it is to get chest pieces, legs, and ghosts. I’ve put about 100 hours in since RoI came out, and at least 40-50 of those I was 380+. Not sure why it’s so difficult for some people to reach 370+ considering Heroic

Wow, you’re a real catch

This is going to be hell to get for anyone without a full time clan. The second phase of Aksis is bad enough with LFG randos, just imagine a terribly complicated jumping puzzle before that. Then you have to go and beat the raid AGAIN afterwards? Ugh. I want to get this, I hopefully will before Destiny 2 comes out (or