
Actually play MGSV again and complete the story

So it’s another Batman villain you don’t have a boss battle, with more tank drone side-quests making up the mission objectives?

Don't get it. I play it solo from time to time and regret purchasing it because of that

I love how this site won't approve any of my posts no matter how quickly they go up after posting

The Wii U lost me this year. I didn't want to give up on it, but after October when their only game of note was Splatoon (a game I had no interest in), I sold it

Destiny, obviously. Need to get the Spindle and eventually get high enough gear to do HM Oryx. Snipers of Osiris sucked though

Lol at the people liking this comment

The public event tracker that posted on here yesterday was horrible. It was never accurate. Is there a better one?

Unfriended is terrible

As someone with a personal and professional life to juggle, I'm glad it was this short. I'll probably never get ToM because of how time consuming it is, so at least I can be happy I'm going to get this.

You're doing the PS4 wrong then

To the people who say they have more games on their Wii U than PS4/XB1, are you telling me you don’t own GTAV, Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, MGS5, Sunset Overdrive, The Last of Us, Gears of War Ultimate Edition, Destiny, Arkham Knight, Mad Max, Shadow or Mordor... And within the next couple of months, Fallout 4, the new

Tbf, i thought the original was horrible and love the anime. I was definitely not expecting anything better

Hated open world fantasy games like switcher and ES before Witcher 3, but I bought it on a whim and fell in love with it.

Adapt or perish

Well, now I'm glad I gave up on Pokemon

Does it mention buying a Wii U as an accessory for your Amiibo?