
ALPHA WOLF! Dumb name, cute pickup.

Saw an article about a radial engine custom bike a decade or two ago, they remarked at how insanely quickly it would rev up and down. “Like a crack of thunder” I think was the description, you just twist the throttle and BAM it’s up to speed.

As a resident of central Clackastan I will note that armpits have culture at least.

Saw the hed GIF and thought, “that looks SO MUCH like Highway 224, wonder where it is.” Looks like the answer is, “Highway 224 westbound in the Carver curves, approaching Tong Road.”

The Autopian published an article about actually trying the toilet brush idea this morning. I guess Jalopnik had 30 minutes to top it and here’s the result.

Wasn’t specified in the contract. *shrug*

I would love to lay down the throttle on this car just to hear the buttery maelstrom of those turbos spooling up.

I’ll go further with that: Allow 2-wheelers 1-3 years earlier than cars. New drivers learn to be observant, and hopefully current drivers are more cognizant of dumb kids on scooters because that might be their kid.

Even the smol bean rattle of our baby Kubota tractor puts a smile on my face. We just rebuilt our big-block gasser HD pickup and I so wish we’d just put the money into an older diesel instead.

This just crossed my timeline (courtesy

Whatchoo talkin’ about Willis?

Hear, hear!

Nonono you’re supposed to hate on Prius and Camry drivers.  It’s a tribal identity thing.

I was wondering why it was so damp inside. Probably has some whole new species of mouse-eating fungi growing from the footwells now.

Dave is:
1. A story guy, not a data guy
2. Just repeating shit advice because it’s a good story

After hearing the sound of the acorn, the deputy reported that he also felt a “tingliness” all along the side of his body. He then said his “legs just give out” and he fell to the ground, assuming that he had been seriously injured by something.

Meanwhile, at the shallow end of the dating pool:

*slams table* FINALLY! I’ve been yelling about this for years. Let ‘em have enough gas to make passing and cornering matter. If they get too fast, cut the fuel budget. One crucial question: do the hybrids start with charged (and standardized) or empty batteries?

Sheesh. I was just looking at a single-owner, meticulously clean 2006 Ranger XLT x-cab with 109k on the odometer, 5-speed and a 4.0 V6. Went for $5,300 (after premium) at auction and I thought it was merely a fair deal.

Thank goodness. This was an attractive nuisance for young dudes who think being a well-off kid with a deathwish is cool.