They might have been the wrong words, but at least they were spelled correctly!
They might have been the wrong words, but at least they were spelled correctly!
What an amazing program, and a great way to improve the pool of race riders. A Spec Continental 650 series would be a lot of fun.
Sweet, maybe the EV Frontier will come out by the time my first-gen D21 Frontier needs replacement. I always swore that my first new car would be an EV after all. Just hope it’ll be affordable to future-me.
I assume the batteries on both officer’s cameras mysteriously failed and the patrol car was parked at juuust the wrong angle.
Cops have charming ways of cultivating relationships with people who can help them. It’s amazing how “we’re buddies with your boss, we know where your family lives and what your spouse drives, and we can destroy lives with impunity” can win a person over.
So, so many guys who look like a thumb with a little face drawn on.
Ah yes, both kinds of Canadian Tuxedo.
Just need the corduroy blazer with leather elbow patches, wear it over a chambray shirt and jeans.
I’ve seen this same niwit complaint regularly since I started reading Jalopnik [mumble] years ago. If you want nothing but cheerleading pablum written to a fourth grade level you’ll find it somewhere else.
I was hoping the Biden admin would get that fixed in the last budget but sadly no.
That’s money and time better spent.
A survey 8 years ago found that 3% of Americans are gun-hoarders with 8-140 guns, making up a total 50% of all guns in the US. And there are a *lot* of guns in America. (Come to think of it, I probably qualify as one of those folks...)
I’m thinking maybe a Tommy Tutone cover band from Boise.
I’m just hoping Elon is backed into this the same way he was backed into buying Twitter.
You misread Collin and missed out on a good chuckle.
Conspiracy theory: The plan is to pull a Merrick Garland and keep the positions open until Inauguration Day. If the GOP wins the presidency, they’ll want to appoint toadies so the Pentagon stays on side in the next autogolpe.
Oh please oh please oh please...
Was mentioned in a local story, Google also gives me:
Asshole knows how the law works, thinks his audience doesn’t, and is happy to make every knock at a door a potential murder in order to get a little attention. I hope cops realize he’s stabbing them in the back here.