
My old neighbor has a perfect Crown Vic Mercury Sable in burgundy with velour interior he’d let go for ~10% of your buddy’s budget. It’s on the other side of the country though.

Is it that weird white power sect?

So you’re saying that ‘ship has sailed?

Maybe she’s “processing” her relationship with celebrity and fandom, the end of adolescence and the inevitable pressure on bi/pan folks to “choose a side.” Anyone who can find a way to get paid for that, deserves it. :)

“The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet.
William Gibson, probably right after he visited Tokyo.

Makes me think of Peter Egan’s comment on an ST1100: Sweeping down a winding road is sort of like dancing with Big Mama Thornton; she may be larger than you, but she dances just fine. Maybe better than you do.”

Ooh, nice to know. I’ll probably just put a throttle lock on my Cyclone.

Hey, maybe they could also go buy some new Keurigs and smash them.

Oh, they’re totally truckers, just the kind that are surprised by heavy traffic, complain about driving 2 whole hours, need a convenient bathroom, can just stop working for several weeks straight, and with a few exceptions don’t actually drive semi trucks.

Ah, I see, you’re devising an unconventional meaning of “GMO” that lets you be mad at people who don’t like genetically-engineered plants.

OK, I now officially have no idea what kind of point you’re trying to make.

Only if you want to try and make some sort of point by pretending that every single domesticated plant and animal is a GMO.

Around here, a “pound” of coffee beans is anywhere from 16oz (rare, only at pre-hipster roasters), 12oz (typical), or 10.6oz (300 grams, extra fancy roasters).

Maybe it’s just because MT borders the country and province of his birth.

OK, I may be behind the times, but an Audi-branded Ranger sounds like a duck-billed platypus that could only sell in North America, and there only in triple-digit units at most. But then, the only EU truck-owners I know are horsey types with light commercial rigs from IVECO or Nissan Diesel.

Nice thread from a lawyer scolding Choi for legal d-baggery:

Now I thought the EPA test was supposed to match real-world typical use, but nobody commutes to the office with 1000# in the bed.

Yup. Crypto’s best use-cases are money-laundering and ransom.

This dude I met once in Yakima has been making beautiful busts of philosophers so he can print them as foosball figures. Wonder if he can print bobbleheads?

Not a fan of the Black Bloc window-breakers, but maybe tomorrow’s Hemingway treats folks for pepper-spray while tomorrow’s Orwell hurls a milkshake at Andy Ngo.