That Charger is an amazing car. I’m so not a fan of pretentious name logos all over custom builds, though. “My kick-ass ‘68 Charger” sounds way better than “TANTRUM”.
That Charger is an amazing car. I’m so not a fan of pretentious name logos all over custom builds, though. “My kick-ass ‘68 Charger” sounds way better than “TANTRUM”.
what the fuck is that thing
I really liked this movie a lot. I’m a movie nerd and a car nerd, and I think Frank Grillo is underrated. Easily worth the short viewing time.
Kill me now.
I didn’t know this feature existed. Build of the week is now my favorite thing on Jalopnik!
Can’t wait. I don’t even listen to podcasts, but I dig the essays so much, I’ll make an exception.
Death Proof.
My dream cars are all rare and more than I can afford, so overpaying for them isn’t even an option. Anything else, I can wait and shop around until I find the right price. I wouldn’t willingly overpay for anything.
He was smarter than everyone else in the audience.
This makes me so sad. I’ve been following that car for awhile now and I absolutely love it. I fully expect it’ll be back, better than ever, but still a bummer.
My first real obsession was a 1966-1967 Chevy II Nova. I bought a ‘64, but it didn’t quite scratch the itch (and was a basket case). Weirdly, it’s one of the only times I profited from a car, though.
Ugh, this is terrible. I’m sorry to hear this.
It’s not an LS. It’s an old-school small block Chevy swap, which is worth less than an LS swap.
This movie’s great. Nothing in it touches the car chase, obviously, but I found it a legitimately good cop movie with that unique ‘70s vibe.
This is all I ever hear about cruises:
Probably the first time I’ll ever say this about that subject:
I definitely guffawed at “Cold Boyardee Scarlet Metallic”.
Yay, another David Obuchowski story!
I love these old Panteras so much. I’ll never be able to afford one. And seeing them just rotting away in a corner somewhere makes me Fucking Hostile.
I’ve never been able to figure out the differences between the various Z-car models... is there a concise way to sum it up?