
It’s “than” not “thatn” and learn punctuation if you’re going to try and speak English in our country.

All communication is 2-way and for “ghosting” to stop, both sides need the skills to manage the expectations. I think a lot of ghosts do so because they fear navigating conversations like this:

Have to say Bill and Donna digging the Doctor out of some hole of his own making would be fun, no?

Have to say I feel this way about the franchise.

Oh for pity’s sake: That was as much a shock ending as news Betty Crocker continues to make baked goods.

At home: 4-6 but no more. Our freaking low-flow has a nervous breakdown if any of the pieces are bigger than that.

The trouble is the thin-skinned conservatives are so damn LOUD about it. If my Mom were alive she’d probably say “Gawdamn, they make you take a test before you can drive but they’ll given any asshole a twitter account.”

YES! The woman with the light blue wrap protecting her hair - even as a kid I clocked that “Are you out of your gourd?” look.

Ja wohl, Herr Obergruppenführer!

CBC Reports his transition to the apt was brought on by UHaul catching him and kicking him out two months before the video was posted.