
Good lord that’s ugly

Hey look, it’s the exact person the article was written about

Why I drive an Insight. No one’s gonna joyride it... because of course they’re not.

This is the right take. It’s actually rather charming looking. Everyone is just bent out of shape over the name because god forbid every SUV not be some knobbly tired, over torqued, unreliable pile of garbage offroader that people will still drive almost exclusively on the highway with some asinine bumper sticker

I worked for them once upon a time. This surprises me absolutely zero. Corporate monitors and micromanages how many hours are worked like some kind of overzealous specter. Managers are expected to keep comprehensive records of exactly how many “man hours” were expended per each dollar of revenue that the store was

I almost spit out my coffee. Well done.

I personally don’t believe that purchasing a luxury vehicle should be at the cost of reliability. I buy cars because I like driving them, not repairing them.

The idea of buying this over an ES350, TLX, or Q50 blows my mind.

Why it is that Toyota is letting every other manufacturer put engines in their performance cars is beyond me. Until I heard it had a Subaru Engine, I wanted a FR-S. Until I heard it had a BMW engine, I wanted a Supra.

Yeahhhh... I’m inclined to agree. The tax credits had their place but there are plenty of manufacturers offering EVs now. The vast majority of people getting the credit are not only in the wealthier part of society, you also want to remember that they can get it multiple times, AND when the credit ends the resale of

I have to know. What is the advantage of carrying so much fuel?

Just buy under what you can afford. Everyone seems to be all about “I can afford up to $XXX/mo so that’s what I’m going to spend”

Oof. I mean, I can understand being disappointed that an experience you want to consume is wrapped up in a wrapper that you find less than optimal, but as an avid roguelike enthusiast, I couldn’t be more happy that we received this gem of a game.

Dear lord. how is the Giulia only 8th?

Eh. Intermittent fasting actually worked for me in a huge way, and my doctor was all for it. I dropped a ton of weight and kept it off.

I installed an Echo Dot in my Honda Insight a year ago. It’s fucking awesome.

Fuckin’ SERVED

Dear white women, if you’re so against this please stop voting republican. Thanks.

I feel for the victims of Las Vegas, but isn’t Puerto Rico in much more dire need?

Yes please!