
My BF prides himself on ‘ingredient quality’ and what-not when cooking. Ex. “Here, put a small spoonful of this roe I harvested over the top of the trout risotto.” (It was good). When he discovered my grandmother’s secret ingredient to the ‘best grits he’s ever had’ was Velveeta, the dismay was priceless.

The Safeway by my house would sell fondue kits (pre-packaged cheese mix) for $7 (sale price). Some bread, potatoes, fruit, and cheap brandy - you’ve got yourself a great ‘fancy’ meal for like $20! But I’m impartial to raclette. The only thing better than dipping your food in a bowl of hot cheese, is pouring said

What’s the best way to approach getting my SO to consider his own great jersey giveaway? He is close to having the same # of jerseys as years on this earth (37). (Note: 90% soccer, 5% college hoops, 5% ‘skins)