
Bullshit bullshit bullshit. Japan surrendered because of the threat of invasion by the Soviet Union. Current research has shown that H and N did not change the mind of the Japanese leadership, and furthermore we had already burned out the entirety of Tokyo before we dropped nukes.

Stop using “cuck”. It’s not going to happen, no matter how much you idiots want it to.

Why do you hate freedom, Ted?

Don’t worry, everyone.

Nope. This is the internet. You can only interpret things as if they were personal insults.

I think it’s safe to assume that by “a novel” he meant an Expanded Universe book...

That makes no sense, the ball was already hitting the back of the net by the time the keeper got there.

I can tell you right now you have no future in American politics. How dare you make a statement that is the product of cool, calm, rational analysis of the situation rather than a rabid, pseudo-macho, reactionary diatribe?

The worst part is that for every day that goes by where a clear and plausible strategy is not established, it will be much tougher for the next Commander-in-Chief to do so.

Depends on which family member.

Well, I certainly don’t approve of what they did but you know, Republicans are always saying they want immigrants to really embrace the American way of life.

putting together such a force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria is a no brainer


Let me get this straight. You are concerned with reliability, so your plan is to buy a 1st year production ALFA ROMEO?

Don’t sweat the difficulties, Albert. If we know one thing about gamers, it’s that they’re not particularly hypersensitive to any sort of direct or even indirect criticism about their hobby.