
Is the problem that Bad Batch just doesn’t provide opportunities for you to make horny speculations? I still can’t figure out why you review anything Star Wars related.

the sequels are ew

2049 and Sicario rule. You all have bad taste.

This doesn’t need to be a long tv series. Dune is mostly short on plot and pretty much just all of the characters talking about what the most logical thing to do might be.

Also because they weren’t terrorists. You all have a very loose definition of the word. And the expansion of what constitutes terrorism will be used to enforce harsh penalties against a variety of leftist actions and disproportionately affect people of color.

I think you should trying debating with yourself the value of being a little less online

It’s because he’s not intelligent, doesn’t know how to do proper research, and pushes his feelings as facts.

what does your age have to do with that?

Did you feel gross at any point in writing that?

If you think that, you’ve missed the point of the story.

She’s not a terrorist. Please stop using that word. It’s not helpful.

You need to redefine your idea of filler. Or just excise that term because it’s practically useless.

Why don’t you try digging deeper into why the ACA is a terrible bandaid covering a massive wound? It’s better than nothing if you can afford a plan that works but it’s massive short of providing universal care. That’s what concerns the left and it’s a critique of liberal half-measures.

Yeah, especially one of those conflicts in which it was mostly people who were upset their country was invaded and the US was treating people horribly. 

2015 wasn’t some progressive wonderland. 2021 isn’t a progressive wonderland.

Are you being serious? Since when does the average 13 or 14 year old use the internet to research social justice topics? Do they now suddenly have better judgment? Do they have better media literacy and comprehension skills? A better understanding of where to find good sources? If a child has access to these resources

You’re making an unreasonable demand

racism isn’t mental illness and it absolutely should not be treated as such. that’s not helpful.

Almost everyone who is going to comment on this is probably not in the business of making policy. Probably don’t have enough information to make meaningful contributions to a discussion on a new policy.

They don’t have machinery. They really aren’t even robots.