
You do realize that it will get to -40 in a few months? The paltry dozen or so below you felt was merely a preview. Silly coasties. Stay by your oceans.

I’ve merely stated what has happened. I’m a resident of the state. We don’t have a whole lot that goes on around here so when something big pops up, we tend to investigate and get down to the facts. I have nothing at stake here, and no reason to be on either side.

Some of the comments here are so mis-informed it is both hilarious and sad at the same time. Do a little research and see how this thing actually went down.

Fearless. This tells me you don’t know what fear is.

LOL. Same people who were making fun of people who thought the sky was falling when Obama got elected now cry that the sky is falling.

What a bunch of whiny little princesses

Thanks for actually posting about real reasons and not just writing it off to racists, sexists, etc....

Please do man, please do.

Criticizes Trump in the most Trump way. Way to take the low road.

It is sort of their job to be ready and trained for any possible scenario. Flip this around, say they weren’t ready and then were asked to operate in such an environment, and couldn’t do it effectively. Then all these keyboard jockeys would be sitting here typing “zomygawd, teh Armie is supposed to protect us and they

I love the ecoboost, and if I hadn’t been able to swing the cash for the V8 I would have gladly bought the ecoboost. My statement stands. I’d love to see that tuned ecoboost next to me in staging and shake it out to see who laps faster.

The title of the article was “shame the v8's” and you referenced the top heavy motor and nose heavy car. What I was saying that in almost all situations (apparently other than auto cross) the difference between the two cars is almost negligible. On anything more open than an autocross course the V8 is still the better

I was one of the car guys. Unfortunately being one of two that knew jack about cars, as well as being the two poorest kids at a rich kids private school it didn’t help us fit in much. This was when ebay was first becoming popular and we would sit for hours in the hot as hell upper room at his moms house and browse

Greetings Neighbors

You can’t really reference autocross results as to what is “fastest” when the classes that the car appears in makes all the difference in the world. You must be quite the guy to have hustled both the ecoboost and V8 mustangs around a track.

What a huge scam.

I’d gladly match up with my top heavy motor’d GT against this configuration on a track and see the outcome. You say nose heavy car, have you driven the car? It is about as neutral as it gets, and you can rotate and move the car with the steering and throttle on demand. You make it sound like a boat plowing around

I had to walk into Ford, go on their computer in the parts department, go to their website, and find the wheel I needed for 700$ less than what the dealer wanted to charge me for it.

Media doing the same thing that Trump does. Make claims without any real evidence. #Trumptactics

But did you die?