
this is actually a pretty fitting swap for the chassis. That thing can rev, and would have a nice power band.

Hey genius. Not every hit to the head and neck area equates to a concussion. Have you played football?

This is what REAL conservatives are. But unfortunately we are in the vast minority it seems.

I dare you to quit, cold turkey, using the words every, ever, best, or most from your titles.

The U wing looks stupid.

Best parts:

An article that is actually about cars and doesn’t seek to say that one thing is better than another, or to insult a certain car or group? What did I just read?

Keyboard Quarterback it all you want. You don’ t have the details, you weren’t there, you don’t know what information they ad to act on. They may have had intel that said no matter what they were going to do, Iraq was going to invade.

So you wanted them to put a DSM style bump on the passenger side of the hood so you could see the other useless turn signal that they put in there? You must be a millennial.

Because if you are going to go to war with someone you should always give them a heads up first?

In a time when a good majority of the country was as well. You can’t judge the people of the past through the lens of today.

How is it that you are employed?

How about they actually work with one of the games thats already out instead of going back to the trough every year by re-releasing the same game for 60$, then taking you to town for a bunch more with “extra” content that they had when the game was released but chose to withhold so they could make more? The game isn’t

As if me currently in 25% bracket isn’t paying my fair share right? So 1 day and 2 hours of the next every week is working for the government. Awesome.

Funny enough, Bernie wouldn’t like this.

Weird how now we find out that almost every manufacturer has been cheating on these tests...

You can make data correlate to anything you want to. Wouldn’t think that would need to be explained to a professional journalist.

The bank is a business. Those are designed to make money. You are a person. Take care of yourself!!!!

That chassis flex yo

I received a Road and Track magazine when I was like 10 for easter. In this issue they were testing the fastest cars in the world, and trying to see what was the fastest street legal car in the world. I read about the Ruf CTR Yellow bird, Lingenfelter Corvette, and of course the winner the Mclaren F1.