Anything posted by Alissa Walker
Anything posted by Alissa Walker
I’m entertained by great play. Someone that is a master of their craft. When their work in the off season has become evident. I don’t even like the guy, but Peyton Manning comes to mind. You could tell that guy worked his ass off, his preparation was top notch. It showed. That is entertaining. Not some dude…
Really? The fun of the game is “pimping an homer”? If that what you consider fun maybe you should have become an actor, or a dancer? Doing crap like that shows that you don’t have the experience, you haven’t been there before. That one home run was so important to you that you had to celebrate it? Win a series, then…
Someone needs to step in and work with these guys about how to preserve their bodies for the long haul, such as Rod woodson, Tom Brady, James Harrison. It can be done, but I don’t think enough attention is being paid to that particular issue. There is a ton of pressure on these guys to get xxxx yards so they can get…
Yeah, the clickbait is strong with this one. He isn’t a hipster. This faux hipster post won’t save hipsters.
At least it is getting the tech into the hands of people who can use it, and then we can further the research because of real world use and testing. Cool idea.
sweet baby Jesus. Tell me these will be available in the states. Do they come with screaming eagle paint jobs?
Bravo! I’ve been saying this same thing about cars for years. So many car people are “UUUHMMMERICA” and hate on anything import, or anything that isn’t of their particular make. See the same thing from the JDM crowd, and the Euro crowd. I have owned and like all three of them. No need for hate. I so appreciate that…
Just like you assumed what the intent of the statement was. Sucks when people assume doesn’t it?
The best part of this is the guy in the back seat with the look on his face that says “I have no idea what in the hell is going on, but I’m going to do my best to play along because these guys actually let me hang out with them, and its been a really long time since anyone had done that. It is hard to have friends…
Different take on the car review. Would have liked to see some more driving, but it was interesting.
I don’t understand why. There can’t be anything that can do the same job for less cost than this can. When i say same job I mean everything that it encompasses, reliability included.
This seriously looks like it is made out of supplies you can purchase at home depot.
Guess what. Just as you are free to lop off, or add on or do whatever you want to your body, he can say whatever he wants, and is free to think whatever he wants. If you find it insulting, that is your issue. Just because you don’t agree with what he has to say, doesn’t mean he can’t say it. Freedom is a two way…
Great read. Thank you. Although not a measurable stat, the connection between car and driver is something that has been lost along the way. I am so glad I’m not the only one that thinks so.
9 1/2 hours is exhausting? The problem then is people, not the cars themselves.
Beat that dead horse! Beat it!
This thing is gorgeous. Bravo.
Those prices are too damn high! Why can’t someone produce a small diesel pickup in the US, in work trim? The only way to get them here is if they are glitzed out with the highest trim options. Where are my roll down windows and cloth seats at?
They need the higher power outputs to combat the crazy weight that they have gained via super awesome safety standards.