I’m all for small cars with small engines that are still fun to drive! Needs to be a little quicker though...
I’m all for small cars with small engines that are still fun to drive! Needs to be a little quicker though...
Government’s job is to protect you from others. When they try to protect you from yourself, they have stepped over the line. Using the insurance argument you could legislate anything. Anyone not rolling around in a protective bubble has to pay higher insurance premiums, etc....
They are going to charge extra for an option that is standard on literally every other mustang...?
Too bad the american ones have those hideous plastic bumper kickouts
Had a 2007 GSXR 600. Quickly realized that it was way too fast for how well I could, or would ever reasonably be able to ride it. Sold it. Probably wouldn’t ever ride anything faster than that. But i do appreciate that there are those that can utilize those machines and when they do it is a beautiful thing.
This thing is seriously cool. What will they sell for?
I know full well that people are whiny. Instead of sitting around and crying that you be treated fairly, why don’t they do something about it? Like become such a good driver they cannot be ignored? You did exactly what I said. Read into things and put a spin on them to fit your agenda. You can “feel” however you want…
Because that is the way you perceived his comment, it is the “Most accurate way to read into it”? Pure PC 21st century drivel right there. That is exactly what is wrong with society. The NEED to find offense in anything that is said, even if it is 100% true and not intended to offend at all. Literally projecting…
How in the world did people every survive without all this? What terrible lives they must have all lived, being responsible for the safe operation of their car with only their own minds to guide them.
The myth that governments always find the best solution is one that we need to dispense with. The fact that people trust the government to decide what is best for them is downright scary.
Regardless of what you think people need, luckily people get to choose what they want, still. This pickup will either sink or swim because of its merits. You want to sell products, make people want to buy them. It is that simple.
This statement assumes that all of the farmland is actually being used. It isn’t. Not even close.
If you are even remotely involved with farming you know how rampant fraud is (i.e. insurance fraud), and how many farmers receive money to NOT plant their land. Do away with these, use this land to plant crops that can be used in the production of ethanol, primarily cane, which is much more efficient in the production…
If a better alternative presents itself, let the people and the market decide that it is the best alternative. We are involved in the middle east for a myriad of reasons, Israel being chief among them. If we want to use our own petroleum resources we can do that. North Dakota is more than willing to accommodate. If a…
The federal government was not intended to wade into these affairs.
I don’t feel limited at all by fossil fuels. I like the freedom to purchase a car that uses the fuel that best works for me. Mandating that cars use this or that fuel restricts the market from being able to find the best solution, and in turn could curb the fuel that is the best from being developed.
Lets see what the market says about this. Most likely these will sell very well in urban/suburban areas and not so well in rural areas. But its good to have something in that segment too. If Ford indeed does the ranger again (in the US), will be a neat little comparison between this, the ranger, colorado, etc.
A lot of hate surrounding full sizes lately. As much as a good chunk of the population doesn’t need them, there are some that do. We do a months worth of shopping in one trip. We spend at minimum of 6 months of the year with a significant amount of snow on the ground. We tow large loads at least a few times a month.…
I’d like to see the economic status of these winners before they won. I think that if they couldn’t manage their money before, then the problem continued. If they were well set up before, had a 401, IRA, and otherwise did a decent job of managing their finances, they would continue that trend.
That looks way better than the Taurus! I wish my mustang had been available as the Lincoln concept that has been floating around online.