Long live the analog! On snowmobiles we spin the gauges so when the needle is pointing straight up, that is generally where you want the tach, speedo to be. Without even looking you can see those needles and tell you are in the right spot.
Long live the analog! On snowmobiles we spin the gauges so when the needle is pointing straight up, that is generally where you want the tach, speedo to be. Without even looking you can see those needles and tell you are in the right spot.
GTR Touring model? I like the idea.
True that. My NA 1.6 Miata lost drag races with prius’s (?) preii (?). But it was fun as hell to drive.
Scam Newton.
Why can’t this be handled with waivers? If the Isle of Man TT can run why can’t this? Once we legislate choice out of life, what is the quality of life that is left. If you want to do something personally dangerous, without harming anyone else, you should be able to do that. Sad, sad day.
I vote and bought a new car this year. So....
Most people no. Living in the frozen North. Yes.
I’m really hoping they come out with a work truck edition that i can somehow order. There has to be some of the population that is like me and will simply not buy something if it isn’t what i want. Or at least i hope there is...
48k for a camaro. Woah.
Why? They work just fine without it. It won’t kill you to put down your cheeseburger and reach over to unlock the door.
I agree. Looking at the new Diesel Colorado, they start at 33k or whatever. I want a 4 door, 4wd, cloth seats, roll down windows small diesel pickup. Why do i have to have leather, blind spot monitoring, etc.
Miss Cleo reference FTW.
We think that until they actually do it. Then we are stuck with the decision.
Most cars on the road can run on Ethanol, and that can be grown. When created from sugar cane it is much more viable than the current US version made from corn. Why aren’t we exploring that more. It has worked in south america. Much cleaner burning, renewable. Etc. The whole electric thing needs to make it so much…
Are you asking if personal freedom is reason to kill someone. Well Jefferson, Washington, etc certainly thought so. But I’m not sure if there are enough people who love and appreciate freedom over all else still think so.
I think you need to look at when these came out, and what else was available at that price point at that time.
Go drive a well sorted WS6. Then get back to us.
It was well known before the release of the LFA, that Yamaha had been brought in to work on the exhaust tuning. So not a huge surprise. But most of these are spot on.
That is awesome
If that is off of the website, they are usually pretty high. I have pretty good credit, if that helps the final price not sure. I actually ordered mine too. All the ones on the lot had blind spot monitoring, active cruise, etc.