surprising amount of pissed off Saints fans in the comments today
surprising amount of pissed off Saints fans in the comments today
I think it’s funny (DIGGS!) that you pushed this joke so far (SIDELINE!) that it genuinely upset Saints fan (TOUCHDOWN!). They want to fight you (UNBELIEVABLE!).
No need, I can add on! Sex boat, Whizzinator, “kickass” offense, whipping a kid’s scrotum with a tree branch, straight cash homey, a Wario-esque owner who defrauded his partners and had to pay an $84.5 million judgment, the list continues. I fully expect Drew to be even more savage to the Vikings than any other team.
Drew, I really hope that (DIGGS) you keep up this style of coverage of the Saints all season (SIDELINE) long. As a fellow long-suffering Vikings fan (TOUCHDOWN) I’m happy with this (UNBELIEVABLE) and want it to continue.
That’s just your opinion, man. And you know what they say about opinions:
It has been a rough year for my five little holly trees, transplanted last spring from a nursery to the muddy, weedy…
Tebow’s NFL highlights should be more than sufficient to counter the idea of white supremacy.
So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?
Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.
He has people skills! He’s good at dealing with people! Can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?!
Hell, if she wanted to be in a better place she could have driven 5 miles in any direction.
We’re gonna be here all week if we keep reporting every time Francesa becomes disoriented.
Lucky for everyone, Randy Moss was who Denny Green thought he was.
“So was the South, but I fixed that”
10/10 would get groceries in
What is there to get used to?
Yet most videos are shot in the traditional 16:9 aspect ratio, meaning the video is not wide or long enough to fill the LG G6’s larger screen. In my week testing the device, I never really got used to the borders.
It took me just one semester of college covering the Florida legislature as a student to realize how little state…
lol at drew pretending to listen to r&b or have a soul