
Yeah pursuing a motor vehicle on foot while under fire definitely falls into the stupid risk category.

Smadolf Pittler is Rick Springfield's character.

I agree. I loved the scene where he beat up Polynesian Jabba the Hut. Or where he threatened the dude on the side of the road.

Yes, great point. I chalked it all up to bad dialogue. And, there's plenty of that. But, it's really an editing / directing issue. If his face isn't doing anything interesting or good after he speaks, stop showing it!!

The other thing that bugged me about that exchange was how out-of-context it was. Like, they just decided to do business together, albeit reluctantly. So, why not threaten your business partner on the way out the door? That'll make things better, right?

Yeah, I REALLY want to like Vaughn for a lot of reasons. But, the combo of his acting style and the writing for him is just horrid. I mostly chalk it up to the writing because nobody is really shining in this season, even though everybody in the case is a good actor, but still…

Because Season One was great, and there are some of us who just watch whatever HBO / AMC dish out, even though it's increasingly slop.

Yeah, I was puzzled by the set-up of the protests. When the shoot-out started, I was like, oh, they're cannon fodder.

How did Cop Rock ever get on air? It wasn't intentional comedy, right?

How did Cop Rock ever get on air? It wasn't intentional comedy, right?

Isn't it stupid to give a character a name that rhymes with Hitler?

Not sure there is one. It may just be that the contaminated land was cheap, and if you had insider knowledge the rail line was going to come through there, it was a smart buy. And, maybe the toxic acreage is a convenient, out of the way place to hide away hookers, bodies, etc.

I think those are fair criticisms. I think it's trending more in the direction of Entourage than a show that thinks big thoughts about the NFL.

I like the show. I think the promos, which were really well done, may have made people expect a bit too much. But it delivers what I expect: an insider view of NFL players' lives pre and post-retirement, a few good laughs, the Rock, and some T&A. If you approach the show expecting a great deal more than that, you'll

Ok thanks for the explanation.

If you're right, this is an incredibly awful ending.

Yeah, I'm not buying it. Seems far-fetched, but we'll see. Why would Ani chase the guy so hard at the end, and almost get hit by a truck in the process, if she were the "real" killer?

Your complaint about a show called "Ballers" is that the plot of an episode centered around a huge party on an awesome yacht in Miami? What were you expecting when you heard about the show or watched its previews? A character study?

Interesting theory. It would seem like an awful big coincidence that she just happens to be the Ventura cop assigned to the case, and is also involved in the criminal conspiracy that led to the murder. But who knows at this point? The speculation is half the fun.

He savagely beat the guy with his bare hands and then ripped his teeth out with pliers. That didn't reveal Seymon as a bad ass?