
you can’t be entitled to safety because you’re ignorant of the risks involved. noone is entitled to safety. its not a pretty truth. its an ugly one for sure that spectators are at risk in motoring events but they are. i’m sorry but you’re wrong.

Or, as a mechanic, maybe don't abuse your power and get fired. It's not like this was some honest mistake, they were going to buy and eat food in his car which is very clearly using it for personal reasons, not working on his car.

It’s way prettier than the F430.

Some say he's just a prop.

It isn't a whole new car. It is still a Lotus unless Hennessy gets it registered as a Hennessy. I made my point by saying that you can modify a car as much as you want, in the end, if it is still registered as the donor car, that is what it is. You're buying a $50,000 car and then putting another $950,000 into it.