George P

I know many people hate Daniel Tosh. I think he’s hilarious because, unlike Dane Cook (to whom he’s often unfairly compared), he is fully in on the joke and can laugh at himself.

My dad bought me a snowmobile when i was 7 or so and the minute my mom saw it she sold it before i ever had a chance to ride it. I still have never ridden on one.

Holy shit, you really think us Michigan grads are so goddamn shallow that we’d put a fucking sports rivalry above genuinely caring that sexual predators have gotten a free pass?

This can’t be a real comment

I’m going to put this as nicely as I can: fuck you.

I’ve seen a few of these comments/emails so might as well say, yeah I went to Michigan. But for what it’s worth, a lot of people I love went to or still go to MSU, and I rooted for Izzo and Dantonio and loved Draymond Green and Kirk Cousins when I was a kid/teen. I want them to be a good, safe university.

There’s no ethical way to do anything at this late date.

I posted this on DUAN, but I feel like it’s worth repeating. I was kind of hoping for thumb dance, but instead he comes out and attempts a stomp-stomp SKOL thing to stoke the Minnesotans - no one caught onto what he was doing, Minnesotans are not usually very stoke-able folk. Then he does this:

As an Eagles fan, you can take your Skol chant, turn it sideways, shine it up real good and shove it right up your candy ass!

sports stations in Boston dominate the 25 to 54 male demographic. Hardly “olds.”

You should eat a Snickers and calm the fuck down.

I think comparing this to the #metoo movement is pretty offensive to the movement that is based around sexual harassment. The grid girls were not forced to do this and they are also being paid to be there as well.

I...never even considered that they could referring to a computer ping. Of course it’s a sonar ping.

Can we do a SWOT analysis on your answer?

This is clearly in your wheelhouse.

A-fucking-men. Bonus points if it’s advertising or sales consulting.

Let me get that deck by end of business, I’d like to see a 50,000 foot view to outline the strategic priorities. Don’t try to boil the ocean here, some back of the envelope math should work just fine but we will need to do a deep dive later. I have a hard stop at 6 so I would like to review it by then, in fact, maybe

I have a hard stop at three, so we’ll need to put a pin in that and come back to it.

Can we table the next question and backtrack for a second?

(pssst. check the ratio.)