George P

Printing an article where the father of an NBA player has an opinion that is printed as anything like legitimate erodes trust

Lavar Ball isn’t a credible source and ESPN shouldn’t be printing or running video of him saying a coach has ost a team because he’s a father of a kid on the team. ESPN loses credibility. It puts a cloud over their reporting was the point. I’m not talking about the press, I’m talking about new age journalism, when

But he hits the nail on the head with this quote:


Are there no editors at Deadspin? Sheesh

“It’s funny to hear a female write about concussions.”

this deserves more stars

This would have been really great if you would’ve changed more than just the headline at the bottom. Maybe photoshop Drew’s face in there or something.

Chiefs Kingdom

Chief’s pulled a usual playoff choke job... but Derrick Henry ran the ball with authority and Mariota dropped the Block of the Year to ice it. And I’m going to enjoy the win until the next round, haters be damned.

So a white guy

motherfucker looks like the love child of drew and sean spicer

Was Hunt Concussed As Well?

- The trailer for the new Star Wars.

Get that man some titty milk, STAT.

That timeout he called to decide whether to go for it on that 4th down or kick a field goal (or to pick a 4th down play) on their last drive inside the 30 yard line was such classic Andy Reid.

Thank God I get my insurance through the ACA so I’ll be fine when they repeal that Obamacare disaster.

While the ACA and Obamacare are synonyms, breath and breathe are not.