I suppose I could have just stopped at “useless huge truck” (with square fenders lololol)
I suppose I could have just stopped at “useless huge truck” (with square fenders lololol)
33.5 inch tires. “tiny” welcome to 2018
Everyone, if you’re doing dyno pulls, make sure that everything that could get sucked into the turbo is either tied down or put away!
Fiesta ST: $21,285
Nope, ugly.
As a 2014 FiST owner: I want that LSD.
Its 22 years wrong. And the bumpers have been worked over with Naval Jelly. Its a tarted-up, high-mileage, low-utility SUV. The same price will buy you any one of a number of nice SUVs with half the years and half the miles. CP all damn day.
CP. Too much bucking$ for this Bronco. It IS a 1996.
I am putting my car-salesman hat on. Its a NP. Well desired, ‘old people in South Carolina/Florida with tons of money’ following, VERY clean, low mileage, and rare color.
Except if you actually added the power to make the car competitive, you would be able to market it to a completely different audience.
Ahhh yes, the Ricky Bobby school of racing. If you’re not first, you’re last. Rossi had a right to his line, he had solid overlap at turn in. But Rossi also had a responsibility to HOLD his line. Rossi ran out of skill and took out the race leader in the process. The move may or may not have been dumb, but that…
Ya you do because 2nd place is worth a lot more in the championship than a DNF due to poor decision making
I like Rossi, but that was dumb. He just jammed his car in there with no chance of keeping it planted on that line, and it cost him a position. In my view, as he caused the incident, it should have cost him more.
Am I the only one that thinks Rossi was putting it where it shouldn’t have been? He was wicked loose for several laps before this incident. He should’ve known he wouldn’t have had the grip to stick that pass, especially when trying to delay the start of the braking zone so late. Seemed like a desperation move, one…
Anyone else just find this thing to be weird-looking bordering on ugly? The nose looks like someone tried too hard to graft on an F1 car and the rear haunches just look...off. I’ll reserve final judgement until I see one in person as I wasn’t a huge fan of the Toyobaru’s looks until I saw it in the flesh, but I’ve…
Riding for 15 years, I think you’re over thinking it. Motorcycles going at traffic speed plus an attentive rider are pretty safe. Even per the riders account in this video, he was doing a hard 1st gear pull all the way to redline... on a 700lb vehicle (with rider) with 130hp vehicle with a tall center of gravity. That…
As a motorcycle rider... Drown them in a bathtub