How apropos! I was wanting some Foo on the way in this morning. It must be that kind of day!
How apropos! I was wanting some Foo on the way in this morning. It must be that kind of day!
New desktop images, and just in time for the run up to the Rolex 24! Hooray!
Could this shape up into a WWE vs. WCW type battle between Verizon/Indy and Sprint/NASCAR? That could be awesome for the fans as both sponsors try to one up each other.
I was nodding right away. I've always loved the look of these cars, and having a V8 doesn't hurt. This would be a great base platform to upgrade into a q-ship GT car.
And let's not forget the late, great Al Holbert.
I rode a similar cirucitous route, west though South Dakota and Montana, south through Cali, and back east through Nevada and Texas. Simply amazing, and I agree two wheels are better than four.
After riding my Buell from NC to Oregon and back, I can tell you that there are MANY beautiful places in this country that you never hear about. People really should take the opportunity to travel across the country by land, it's amazing the things you'll see.
I really like the side angle. The snub nose looks pretty cool. I wonder what sort of aero differences are created without having a probiscus hanging out in front of the wing? Any engineers with insight in that?
I like the gears all in the body of the article, but nothing's stopping you from setting up 5 Gears in the comments when you post the article. That way you get the best of both worlds. Easy digestion for those of us too lazy to look through comments, and comments that are organized by gear for those wanted to join the…
Dr. Jim Norman. If for no other reason than his Rolex watch story
Yay! TMS is back!
A good start for sure, but a little too Euro-US centric. Targa New Foundland should definitely have made the list. Also, the trio of Mount Panorama, Philip Island, and Targa Tasmania. And there's got to be something with while over in Japan too, right? Anyway, good start, but could use some tweaking.
Love the concept, poor execution. Stupid hipsters.
Many thanks Mr. Orlove! I was surprised and flattered that you decided to use my comment to assist in explaining Answer 2. I also love that a photo from "Duel" was used, it's an automotive classic that I thoroughly enjoy. I love the scene with the school kids on the bus.
Learn and practice "Situational Awareness". It's important in many aspects of life, but even more so behind the wheel of a car. The mechanics of driving a car isn't' all that hard to figure out, it's being aware of everything that's going on around you, that requires real attention and focus.
Always found this car entertaining. And yes, I'd put it in the garage under the right circumstances.
@Jared904: Or VIR. Either one would be nice.
@MAConcep00: Should've read this post before I wrote mine. Oh well.