
Lewis was my favorite driver from the start of his career until about 2016, when his constant whining about Rosberg as Rosberg was just edging him out in a few races to eventually win the championship (with allegations flying all around that Mercedes was favoring Rosberg because he is German) started to become really

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Fortunately, old bridges have this annoying tendency to eventually crumble and take sown major transport arteries with them, like the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis several years ago, so at some point the billions will have to be spent. Unfortunately, no one knows when the bridge will finally give up the ghost, so several

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Who knew World War III was going to start in New Zealand over Céline Dion’s songs? Humankind is truly unfathomable...

At first sight it’s okay, but then the Prelude moniker invokes the fabulous (lowest hood for a mass production car) 1987-91 generation, or the sporty 1991-96 generation one, and your heart just sinks thinking of how 35 years of progress erased almost all elegance left in car design.

I miss the days of upgrading the stock radio to a new Alpine unit with a detachable faceplate so it doesn’t get stolen while I’m in Blockbuster, picking out a VHS to watch.

Agreed, and that’s where checking all your mirrors before lane-changing is really important. If this person had seen on their left-side rearview mirror (assuming they knew how to adjust it correctly) that a massive tow truck was about to occupy the same space as them, perhaps braking instead of turning the steering

If you really believe that, you really have no idea how wrong you are.

If you turn or lane-change without indicating and checking your mirrors (whether willfully or because you’re trying to message OMG for the latest cat picture from your buddies), anything that happens to you is your responsibility alone (with an exception for massive heart attacks, but those are rare). Unfortunately,

As long as these sovereign citizens fail to procreate before they eventually have an immediate encounter of the worst degree with the barrel of a cop’s gun, they will be mostly occasional annoying entertainment. Unfortunately, even then they tend to indoctrinate others on how to fail to live in society before they go,

I think this is inevitable. A Rivian-like or Ford F150 Lightning-like truck will be quite profitable for Tesla, and by insisting on building a F117-inspired DeLorean they have just destroyed that profitability in R&D and tooling costs alone. The question is how long it will take for Elon’s ego to accept that punking

Every door mechanism is only as safe as the engineer that programmed it and tested it. As I was told during my first programming class: “Here, you have the luxury of having bugs in your code that make it work correctly 90% of the time. In the real world, if you get it to work correctly only 99.9% of the time for some

If you drive a manual car, left-foot braking is a terrible idea this side of a Scandinavian Flick. Your left foot is wired to do large amplitude movements, while the right foot is the one doing gentle short movements, which is what you need for regular acceleration and for regular braking. I’m sure it can be

- On highways or any 4+-lane roads, please keep to the right lane except when overtaking.

I was going to say this is the best-designed vehicle BMW is currently selling, but they also sell the retro-inspired R18 Transcontinental...

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I say they should skip the half-measures and make Kanye CEO right away.

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The only adequate answer to the person who is trying to peddle this monstrosity for $18000 is

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Clarkson loved it so much he bought one. Even the Stig stopped his favorite activity of chasing sheep to admire it!

Nice one :)

I never understood this “moving at a high rate of speed” expression that so many cops and general population use. They clearly mean “moving at high speed”, where that speed is approximately constant, but by saying “rate of speed” they are mixing it with acceleration, since the change in speed (or more precisely