
I mean, the dude was driving a Chevy HHR, so there are possible alternatives to domestic terrorism:

That’s easy, elect trump, build the canal (it will be yuuuuge, and beautiful, and frankly the best canal ever) in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

My rationale is that people spend so much brain power and resources obsessing and stressing about self-protection in this country (enacted through guns, knifes, baseball bats, etc.), at some point you will find or manufacture situations to justify your obsessions. As the “Law of the Instrument” states,If the only

I know! I clicked this story just to confirm my extreme prejudice that this had to be in Florida, but I guess SoCal + powerful hallucinogens is a reasonable approximation.

A 70s British car with Lucas electrics combined with Italian quality construction, what could possibly go wrong?

nnng, I could just about afford this, and somehow the orange does not look terrible on the V12 Vantage (maybe it’s the hood scoops or its amazing shape that looks good in any color), but these are not cheap to maintain, and the tangerine interior may be too much to live with... 

To Brooks‘ credit, eating at Newark airport is just about the least pleasant thing this side of being stuck in an elevator with a YouTuber that had just finished filming his “I ate the entire Taco Bell menu in 10 minutes” video.

Yeah, I agree, these things have space for 4, no way you are going to fit a stretcher. It would have to be a purpose-built cockpit+payload+additional lift, at which point you may be getting to the same cost as a Medevac helicopter.

They do, but the legislature is dominated by the GOP, and the only infrastructure any GOPer is willing to spend any money on is the wall with the Mexican border, but only if Mexico pays for it themselves... Hey, people voted in droves for this stuff...

It is a clever away of avoiding all the road potholes and crumbling bridges in Ohio. Too bad only wealthy corporate executives will be using them...

Tsk, tsk, California... We all know the American Way to resolve any road rage incident is to pop your interlocutor’s head with a 12-gauge...

I’m okay with the use of deadly force on these so-called sovereign citizens if they are threatening lethal action. You claim no laws apply to you and you threaten to use lethal force (with a visible gun) if anyone tries to make you follow them, it can’t end well.

Mighty impressive, but it’s still just 2.965 g of acceleration. Of course it’s 3 g over a full second, which is probably quite uncomfortable, but completely safe. You can get plenty more g’s in rollercoasters, though for much shorter amounts of time. The top one, the Flip-Flap Railway from 1895-1902 apparently often

Only a heartless monster completely devoid of human emotions and who killed younglings could do such a thing!

Ouch, I hope they don’t send the repair bill to Karun Chandhok. He’s already having plenty of trouble with his mum ribbing him on Twitter/X :)

RIP Colombo V12, though if it’s just a hole in the sump maybe it won’t be too hard to recover it.

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Yeah, he’s obviously a racist expressing the usual tropes that northern Europeans are cleverer and harder-working than everyone else. 

I’m sure you mean the omnipresent Renault “Cléon-Fonte” engine. I doubt there is anyone in Europe older than 30 that has not driven or been driven in a car with that engine at some point in their lives, as it was manufactured from 1962 to 2004, and an astonishing total of 27,277,306 units were manufactured, a record

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The infamous PRV (Peugeot-Renault-Volvo) V6. It was originally meant to be a V8, so it had an angle of 90° instead of the usual 60° for a V6, leading to it having an uneven firing order until the Renault 25 V6 Turbo used a version with split crankshaft. It was always thirstier and underpowered compared to its direct

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I’d agree. And a big contender would be the E38 7-series in the third picture. Back in the day, before the E39 5-series had been released, I saw the brand new 7-series in a car show, the non-L version, and the stance with that low hood, and the overall proportions were just perfect. And it had that awesome V12 up