
I’m sure there’s a very reasonable explanation, like the ship’s morgue was already full of bodies, as part of the organ traffic ring the captain runs on the side; or the ship’s morgue was just malfunctioning, because no one gives a crap about maintenance and profit is all that matters.

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Well, yeah, but that’s kind of the reason why the Miata was such a huge success. Just about the right amount of power and torque to give it a perfect balance of performance and handling. If you want to give 300 hp to a Miata you can, but its purpose becomes more of being a track beast at that point, assuming you make

Not that I fully agree with James May hatred of the Nurburgring, but I’d still take the 3rd-Gen Integra Type-R and its astonishing handling over this Nurburgring record holder...

True, I’d be fine if all the other vehicles on the road looked like this! NHTSA might need to mandate that truck nuts serve as third brake light, though...

I will both proudly and embarrassingly admit I own the box set with the Cylon helmet. Can’t help it, it was my favorite sci-fi series growing up...

I think we are all criticizing this design from the wrong perspective. It’s not a horribly-designed puke-inducing minivan, but it is rather the most luxurious and refined street-sweeper you could wish for. Ok, it’s missing a few brushes here and there, but I’m sure they are optional extras for several thousands of

Fair point, but in the current world of SUVs and nothing but SUVs (and trucks) on the road, anyone with a regular sedan/coupe/station wagon already can’t see anything ahead but the back of said SUV/truck, so defensive driving practices and third brake light use are completely irrelevant. Only real solution is to buy a

Two felony charges have resulted. Won’t do much to fix the bullet wounds and trauma that 16-year old will carry for the rest of his life...

No idea. My only rationale is that it bothered him to have a car behind hm for a couple of miles in a winding road and when I refused his “politeness”, he lost it. The level of pent-up aggression one witnesses in US roads is downright scary.

You were lucky, had they not been rear-ended, if you had continued to refuse to cross the road and kept waving at them to move on, the least you should expect is two middle fingers, and the worst probably a bullet between the eyes...

The usual tale of the good samaritan who thinks no evil could arise from their incredibly good-willed actions, no matter how stupid or reckless those actions are.

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The C3 Corvette solved this problem 55 years ago (when it worked), but clearly all the Elon’s horses could not succeed in implementing this solution reliably or profitably...

LOL, it could only be more perfect if there had been a way to make it play on a loop without viewer intervention... I guess YouTube wants to avoid people bashing themselves to death with their own video-playing devices.

The original Renault Twingo has to be featured. It was a revolutionary cute little car and even the hazard button was a clown nose!

This may be the only time that the good folks at Mansory reacted to a new victim, er... car like this:

So, in the end, that team of girls learned that the ends justify any means, and lying and damaging other people’s property is fine, as long as you win. And then they ended up placing 15th in their class and 100th overall. This is the kind of education you get in `Murica, f*ck yeah!

I believe they were not scolded (yet) by BMW, but were scolded by Ferrari for their savage takedown of the terrible infotainment system on the 296 GTB, which I thought was fully justified.

The most stylish getaway car would probably be the Jaguar 420G (later Mark X) that UK gangsters were very fond of, in particular the brutal Kray Twins (also shows up as the vilain’s ride in “Tintin and the Black Island”) . It just looks magnificent!  

The Citroën DS. It famously saved France’s president Charles De Gaulle and his wife from a 140-bullet assassination attempt in 1962 by competently riding on 3 wheels thanks to its hydropneumatic suspension. De Gaulle vowed to never travel in a vehicle from another brand.

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Throttle House was less than enthusiastic about the manual version, and quite disapproving of the design, which indeed has a face only a blind mother could love...