
Just read that conures are more inclined to be curious and bold instead of shy and cautious, and that “they like to explore with their beaks”, so they clearly share those personality traits with the kea. They sound like a lot of fun! The article also said they are easy to tame, but seems like you might disagree...

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Keas are also ridiculously smart and playful. Unfortunately for them, they are the only species of parrot that enjoys meat, and need it so they can also be the only species of parrot to live above the snow line in the Winter. New Zealand farmers response to that was to hunt them until they became an endangered

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Kea parrots are also known for being very fond of the rubber insulation around windshields, and they find police cars especially delicious, with all those bendy antennas!

I guess uncle Clarence already asked best-buddy Harlan to put one into his 2023 Christmas list. I wonder which civil right we will end up losing in exchange for it...

Fabergé called, they want their eggs back... the Diamond Trellis one even had an elephant automaton inside.

I was very happy and surprised when the EU passed all those customer data protection laws. However, the tangible end-result of them is that every time I travel to Europe, the only way I can use just about any site is by clicking upfront to agree to give up my data, and install tracking cookies, and all that BS. Soon

How much is Tesla Auto worth? $600 billion?

Way too costly for what they deserve. I hear there are some really nice toxic puddles around Palestine, Ohio, where they might enjoy going together for a swim, like old times...

A filthy rich person buying privileged unfettered access to a member of the most influential body in the judicial branch with gifts would be considered aggravated corruption in just about any democratic country.

I think it’s down to two of them: Range Rover Evoque and Ferrari Purosangue on looks alone. Everything else is mostly a bloated regular car with a raised center of gravity and increased headroom most people don’t really need (Tesla Model Y, for instance).

We had a 5-speed manual Rover 800 mk II sedan, which was a fairly close relative to your Legend I. It was a really refined car.

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Arguably one of the most beautifully proportioned FWD cars ever. The unusual (for a FWD car) longitudinal mounting of the 3.2L V6 allowed for a design with typical RWD proportions (longish distance from the center of the front wheels to the front doors, etc.).

The most perplexing thing about LOTR:ROP was that Amazon would sink almost $1 billion in a prequel to the LOTR book with the source material solely confined to the appendices of the LOTR book (and the book itself, which is not useful for Second Age stories) and no legal ability to use any of the material in the

I don’t think so, a Québecois French-speaking person would not have incorrect grammar, like when she describes the glove compartment as “boîte gants” instead of “boîte à gants”. If this was for the Québec market, it could indeed explain the bizarre language change, but I suspect they just wanted to give a French vibe

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Pironi had the pleasure of holding the lead through his home race in France, all the way to the Austrian Grand Prix, when Rosberg proved unstoppable.

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Fantastic amount of creepiness and cringiness. I was expecting Hugh Hefner to pop up at any moment and give it his bunny of approval or something.

My word, that thing may be solely responsible for the permanent flaccidness of the state of Florida...

Wait, no more “affordable (only $299, 999.99, get it now folks!)” mid-engined 8-cylinder Ferrari? The SF90 is at a completely different level, and the 296 GTB is... well, a 6-cylinder that costs $320,000. The Roma costs about the same as the F8, but it’s a GT for a different audience. I haz a sad...

Ferrari F40 Barchetta, because Out Run 2.0.