Shameful. Shameful, showboaty, bullshit, that’s all this is.
Shameful. Shameful, showboaty, bullshit, that’s all this is.
Of course this differs greatly from Kobe’s Lakers, where no one scored on a passed ball.
The patented box-and-none zone.
Colon sped to second base in 12 seconds, which is a slower pace than the average HOME RUN TROT.
aka “Fifth Base”
“Why is this news? Bartolo hits Double-Doubles all the time.”
Usually you have to go a lot further than second base before the Colon is involved.
Pierzynski is too fucking shocked that Bartolo Colon, of all MLB pitchers, is trying to catch him in a surprise one-man rundown that he just freezes.
AJ remembered that a T-Rex’s visual acuity is based on movement, so he froze.
Simmons’ sad bat drop is priceless.
Is there a reason A.J. Pierzynski made no effort to get back to the bag? Is there a reason A.J. Pierzynski was off the bag in the first place? Is there a reason that A.J. Pierzynski is still in the league?
For a second there I thought a fan threw a hot dog onto the field.
He looks like Super Mario when he gets the power-up from a mushroom.