
It is not rape apology if a rape didn’t happen. And, even if a rape did happen “she should have” reported it to law enforcement. If you get robbed, beaten up, etc., and you want justice, you don’t complain to your college, you go to the police. The fact that she did not even report a crime to someone who could

Ooh guess you’re going to be waiting because no real court will ever hear this. That would have taken, ya know, the accuser reporting this to the police....also doesn’t help when you’ve texted your friends ‘I was pretending to be intoxicated’

Lets be clear what this was and what it wasn’t:

Your sexual assault doesn’t give you any special understanding of this issue. She did not participate due to a pretty clear conflict by a presiding officer. Her evidence was not even considered, just unfavorable evidence. Good for you for pursuing your case, but your assumptions here are poor and you don’t get to tell