
@SeventhExile Speaks: Probably whatever plastic was used on the 3GS. I don't know what that was, probably some polycarbonate or maybe ABS.

@FriarNurgle: This is the problem with monopolies or oligopolies. All the phone companies, cable companies, and ISPs have us by the short-n-curlies. If we don't like the way they treat us, our only option is to give up whatever service/device we want. What's worst is that they all seem to agree to terrible customer

@funakoshi.gichin.shotokan: I concur. I won't turn it off, but I'll definitely ignore it if it rings or buzzes. That way the other person knows that you're ignoring your phone for them.

I do love LastPass. I use it on Chrome in Windows at work and Safari and Chrome on Mac at home. It has been working fine on Safari 5 (Mac) at home since the day after Safari 5 was released. Is this just saying it's ready for Safari 5 on Windows?

I might as well join in the referral party.

@Laogeodritt: I would say that the ice will shortly melt, and that newly formed water would evaporate. I didn't do the calculations because I don't have access to my thermodynamics notes at work, but I'd guess that most of the cooling of the air comes from the phase changes of ice-water and water-gas, which take a lot

@moore850: That's a brilliant idea. There are plenty of things that I keep because every time I move them they bring back fond memories, but I could just as well have a folder of memories on my computer. I think I will try this.

@Kevster: Yes, but at that point if I'm constantly converting them from one file type to another, it's simpler just to use the standard format. Particularly when you bring Dropbox into the picture. It's definitely doable, but for me that inconvenience negates the benefits of Pages over Word.

@Arken: I've done that, but then all your carefully laid-out slides get slight formatting mishaps and aren't so beautiful anymore. I still do that on occasion, but it's annoying that PowerPoint nixes some of the cool alignment things that Keynote added.

@CamJN: I didn't find a way to do pivot tables in Numbers, but admittedly I didn't look too hard. Honestly the most annoying thing is that when typing a formula you can't select a cell with the arrow keys. That drove me nuts.

@RedScotch: It's a pretty common manufacturing technique frequently called "spin-welding." The cooler one, I think, is sonic welding, where they blast a horn concentrated at a point of plastic which melts and bonds it to other plastic.

@lolbrbnvm: You're just baiting for "that's what she said" jokes, aren't you! I for one, won't take the bait!

@Lupison: I thought the rendering was prettier, personally. But it's definitely beautiful in the sense of awesomeness.

@nadav: Numbers doesn't hold a candle to Excel. As an engineer/nerd, I use excel for everything. I tried switching to numbers, but was frustrated by the ease of use. This is one time where the usability of Microsoft exceeded that of Apple, at least in my opinion.

@Bandit: Well that's what a customer pays, but AT&T pays closer to the whole $600-700, unless they get some sort of bulk discount, so that's more like $360-420 million revenue for Apple. Over a third of a billion dollars in one day. That's ridiculous.

@Masai Andrews: Where's your chivalry, man? Ladies first, as that would probably result in less orders day 1 that AT&T could handle, or a bunch of us asking our ladies to order for us.

@Arken: What I love is how after a pro-Apple article, everyone (trolls) screams "gizmodo is a pro-apple advertising arm" but then after an anti-Apple article everyone screams "Giz hates Apple now!"

@Dexomega: It works in Futurama, so I can't see how it could go wrong!

@ckcallen: If you do manage to wrangle a free or cheap microcell from AT&T, you should definitely share how in the tips section.